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  1. It's also the softening of the game for me. The NFL peaked in the 2000s and I don't mean in terms of revenue
  2. Are we just getting old and nostalgic? It's just not the same
  3. You know it’s bad when Zod has lost hope. He used to be the biggest homer in preseason. How’s Tik Tok?
  4. Yes, my current account is old enough, but I go back to the Panthers Huddle days in 2005. This place is a shell of its former self, much like the team I guess
  5. I have a real job too, lol - i'm a pretty successful businessman but checking in for a few minutes a day doesn't seem like a big deal
  6. Does he even exist? I know life gets busy but damn, someone check and see if he’s still alive and breathing or has he checked out
  7. I think that's what they've been focusing on with Bryce's footwork and mechanics, planting that back foot is key if he's going to make NFL throws consistently.
  8. I have very low expectations and pretty much expect that we'll be looking at another QB in 2025. That said, I will give Bryce the benefit of the doubt and will root hard for him to succeed this year.
  9. Can we just pretend he doesn't exist
  10. I took it as a positive that he trusts Dan and stays in his lane. Sign of maturity and confidence
  11. Yeah I didn’t like that
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