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Everything posted by WelshPanther

  1. Blake fast becoming one of my favorite players
  2. Maddening how they can’t start games like this. Completely different team
  3. I see that Canes team turned up tonight.
  4. More than likely going to Rangers though. We will see
  5. KK don’t like the trade talk lol
  6. A pass pass pass pass pass power play from the canes
  7. Me too. So I found a stream. We are not playing well!
  8. What stream do I use boys? Have to pirate it tonight
  9. That trade talk will ramp up again now
  10. Fix our slow starts and the PP and we will be good! Great win though and a fun game to watch
  11. And now they will make me look stupid lol. But still, definitely something going on with slow starts
  12. They aren’t coming out focused or with any energy. Something isn’t right
  13. I agree. Someone needs a wake up call as this has been weeks and weeks of mediocrity
  14. Garbage team. So underprepared or just don’t give a fug.
  15. A good day of Carolina sport. Well done boys
  16. So far off the pace at moment. Not creating many grade A chances
  17. Bryce to Cocker for the next five years every week please
  18. Yes boys! Actually excited for next year now
  19. Now that was a wide wide wide open center of the field lol Heck of an arm on Penix though
  20. Just no net front at all. Their goalie is getting clean looks at everything
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