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  1. Tottenham till I die. Trophyless
  2. Calumn Wilson maybe on his way out of Newcastle
  3. Couple of good signings and they are in the mix. Defense is so good. Malanda is premier league talent
  4. Grass going in for start of 2025 soccer season.
  5. Went to my first game yesterday, was really enjoyable. Seems we have striker addition on the way soon, couple of irons in the fire!
  6. Their 2nd was the killer. Completely unacceptable from Anderson
  7. PK been ok since 2nd game. Just cost us both those games along with poo PP
  8. Haven’t watched the last two until last 3 mins of each game. Just been refreshing the NHL app. Do I change the mojo for tonight?
  9. Just win your shift! Let’s fuging go
  10. Hope we get all the puck luck in the next game. Watching Boston get a few bounces here
  11. It’s mad how close the series actually is if you stand back. Two great teams
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