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electro's horse

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Everything posted by electro's horse

  1. How good is Derrick Brown? Going by just simple counting stats, 2022 was by far his best year and he's shown steady improvement. And this is good; number go up. I'm sure there's a way to compare this to other DT in the NFL on a wide scale, but I'm lazy and everything is subscription now. According to these numbers from PFF, he's about top ten, he just doesn't get to the QB very much, or hasn't yet in his career. Brown has overcome a great deal of adversity in his career, most notably from his former coach Matt Rhule. Recall Rhule benched him because the team struggled against the run one game and blamed it on him. He admittedly had a rough transition to the NFL, but he didn't come into a great situation. Rhule was obviously a clown, and that 2020 was going to be in a lot of situations where teams were just running out the clock. And I can't find the article but he was jerked around at what technique he was going to play as well. But Brown was obviously better on the field this year. He made SEVERAL eye opening plays, and if nothing else showed that he's not taking anything off. Most interesting for me is that apparently Brown was mentioned in the trade negotiations with the Bears.. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/10071041-nfl-rumors-bears-also-eyed-brian-burns-derrick-brown-in-panthers-trade-for-top-pick Now I don't know if that was in exchange for Moore, or as an add on, and make all the jokes you want about the Bears front office, but it's interesting that we (apparently) said no. And now we've picked up his fifth year option. Brown gets a lot of poo because he didn't immediately come into the NFL and dominate, with some people ludicrously stating unless someone is Aaron Donald you don't spend a first round pick on DT. Obviously we'd all spend a first on Fletcher Cox, Big Jeff, Vita Vea etc. But by his own admission he didn't play well when he got here. But he's playing well now, and has gotten better every year. And the new coaching staff apparently values him. So what say you? Is he fine? Just a space eater DT who'll walk after his fifth year and end up as a rotational dlineman in like Dallas? Is he good? Will he become the Shaq or Donte Jackson of the defensive line, where he's always kinda overpaid and just good enough not to get rid of? Or is he actually going to be elite? Did hurn dog do it one last time? Is he going to blow up with competent coaching behind him for the first time in his career?
  2. Oh wow he didn’t fug up and take Blaine gabbert what a bro
  3. I didn’t count Clausen or Edwards for obvious reasons.
  4. After cam newton was drafted in 2011, the panthers did not draft another offensive CONTRIBUTOR until kelvin benjamin in 2014. They also got trai turner in that draft. Before that you have to go back to 2008 and Stewart/Otah for starter caliber player. Highlights otherwise would be David gettis and Mike Goodson. 5 seasons of drafts and hurney nailed one offensive starter. And not just that; no one else was even backup quality. just incredible what cam did here with so little help. If you really wanna be horrified, imagine the panthers if hurney hadn’t fleeced the bears for Olsen.
  5. As far as playing the draft, hated trading up for Johnson. They got caught in a run on EDGE players but seems to me like they overpaid for physical traits. Sucks doubly for me because the steelers used the pick we sent them for Darnell Washington, though it seems like he might already be suffering from the small nagging injuries he'll never escape from. Mingo is a bold pick, but I wouldn't necessarily call it bad. He's more upside but there weren't a lot of wide receives in this draft. We have a weird collection of WR on the team right now. Honestly Zavala saved the draft grade if that matters. Just such a stupidly obvious pick and a good one. I dunno, we'll see. There's getting good players and there's playing the draft game. Fitterer is usually much better at the latter. Kinda feel like Johnson was desperation.
  6. another question is how was hurney allowed to keep working after 2010
  7. 2012 wasn't much better. you had the typical 1st round hit (granted, maybe best player in panthers history), then one game of Frank Alexander, one year of Josh Norman, and that's it. but 2011, not even backup quality players; just Cam Newton and training camp fodder. You couldn't randomly pick players that bad.
  8. "wow we can't believe how fast someone who hasn't had the playbook since about march 24, 25, is picking up the plays. Almost like we sent it to him! heh, heh. But we didn't."
  9. After their draft pick, the panthers still need a fa edge rusher
  10. i dunno. i think after drafting bryce protecting him/helping him has to be the number one priority over everything else. Just the way the nfl is these days.
  11. if bryce young wins the super bowl i will gladly walk up to him, get down on one knee, and offer him a hand shake as an apology for calling him a midget.
  12. Another reason I thought about for drafting Washington, now that we’re drafting a genius football midget, is it’d probsbly be a good idea to give him a giant he can move around the line as he sees fit to help with protections.
  13. if he passed on darnell washington in this draft im going to be mad on the internet
  14. I feel like I really need to make a thread debunking s2, why it’s medically unethical, why it’s incredibly misleading, and why it’s a scam.
  15. True story: y-12 is in East Tennessee just north of Knoxville. They did atomic bomb research there in the thirties and forties. They chose that site in case something went wrong and a nuke went off. The thought was if they ended up nuking East Tennessee, no one would notice and nothing of value would be lost. that’s still true.
  16. And everyone likes to talk about strouds game against UGA and they should. He was incredible against the beat defense in college football. but Bryce was just as good, if not better, in arguably a worse situation. It was in Knoxville, at night, in an insane drunken poo hole of a stadium, full of inbred Tennessee fans, the refs were paid off, bamas defense had some struggles, and the volunteers were literally trying to kill him. He won that game twice.
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