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Everything posted by MillionDollarCam

  1. Lolol, Mike with the Ted Lasso quote, “be a goldfish”.
  2. Good poo by our guys, we’ve been the better team and have had some great scoring opportunities, they stuck with it and the goals are now coming.
  3. What a shot by Martinook and good puck retrieval by Skjei.
  4. There we go! Nice shot by Burns but Svech deserves the credit, skated by just as the shot was crossing into Binnington’s path.
  5. Binnington is in his bag tonight. I usually complain that our shots are quantity over quality, but we’ve had five or so Grade A’s that Binnington has saved.
  6. Someone needs to fake the dump in and throw a puck at the net, Binnington is leaving the net early.
  7. Think this has a lot to do with the Wolves defense being straight ass.
  8. Canes Twitter choosing violence tonight.
  9. If I could choose that ending for a game against any team, they’d definitely be in my top three (the Rangers are up there as well).
  10. That was as chaotic of a finish that I’ve seen in 3 on 3 OT.
  11. Good catch, hard to tell from that angle but at full speed I was leaning toward clean but I was just looking at the call from a boarding perspective.
  12. Also, Kochetkov deserved that win, I thought he helped us maintain the lead early in the third when Pittsburgh was pressing. He didn’t deserve to lose simply because Burns decided to go on an adventure and left Guentzel wide open in front of the net for the tip. Burns has to block that shot if he’s going to leave Guentzel to chase the puck.
  13. Jeff Petry… Jeff Petry was the Penguins player that stupidly left Svech to engage Jarvis after the hit… thanks pal. Svech collected the puck then fed the streaking Pesce as Jeff Carter lolligagged behind. Absolutely love the way that one ended… with a physical play.
  14. Here’s the play from above. Jarvis makes the hit on Rust, a legal play, one of the Pittsburgh players decided to go after Jarvis rather than stay with the play which opens up a 2 on 0 for Svech and Pesce.
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