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Mother Grabber

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Everything posted by Mother Grabber

  1. still think the Tampa line is being fluffed up by Rosenhaus in an attempt to increase his contract with Dallas. "Better sign him, or Tampa's gonna get him!"
  2. my guess is that it's a 1 horse race with Dallas, and he's trying to drive up the price.
  3. 24 points in under 7min. 3rd complete collapse of the season against a top 10 team (18pt 2nd half lead to louisville and 7 pt lead to Dook with under 2 left). hard to watch that once, but three times? ouch.
  4. so, true BPA is effectively a myth, just like the salary cap
  5. one interesting thing is how does the board get affected as the draft progresses. eg, when I do Fanspeaks mock draft, I often have a WR as BPA for the first 3 rounds. do you really take BPA if you've already drafted 2 of that same position? very doubtful. with this draft being so deep at WR, I think the weight for WR in the 1st has to go down.
  6. I disagree. to me, BPA is absolutely exclusive of need. BPA is the next best player on your board, regardless of position. I do agree with you that absolute BPA is unlikely, and it's more likely a weighted BPA, where we could take the 2nd or 3rd, or maybe even 5th BPA, based on depth of position in the draft, need, etc.
  7. it's so obviously galactus. we're fugged. guess I can go eat all the fried ass pickles I want.
  8. pie for the revenge of the nerds quote
  9. guess he doesn't mind being on a sh1tty team so much after all.
  10. that's some delicious pie right there!
  11. what I'm getting from this thread is that Williams has a lot of gas, and everyone on here is happy for him.
  12. I re-read this entire thread as center justified. from my new perspective, I have to say I now agree with Growl and AceBoogie. They are men amongst boys, and the only ones who truly understand what a destructive force DG is. I wouldn't be surprised if the panthers never sign another player ever again, stop showing up for games and the city of Charlotte is reduced to half it's population. all because that fool Dave hasn't addressed our OT situation by signing players that don't exist.
  13. why is everything center justified? does it make all of the redundant content fresh and new?
  14. Gettleman will turn that pick into a 10x probowler
  15. oh no. that wasn't a typo, it was an auto correct. makes one wonder what kinds of conversations you're having so that your auto correct pops up with 'reamers'
  16. 1-2 games makes him look much more attractive that a 4-6 game suspension would. He may have a line of suitors if he gets of lightly.
  17. nicks seems to be one of those who plays below his talent level. like he's willing to do enough to be out there, but won't push himself to his full potential. meh.
  18. looks like it's a 3-way between Hotlanta, the Bucs and the Boys. From Rotowerld: 67% chance he ends up in the NFCS.
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