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Everything posted by joemac

  1. Hear Hear. The Panthers hype train is gassing up and getting ready to leave the station. Get on board or get fuging left at the station. choo choo motherfugers.
  2. Does anything make some of y’all happy? We just DOMINATED the Saints. What more do you want from this team?!
  3. The way it’s looking now our D is one of the top fantasy units moving forward
  4. Reddick is the best FA signings we’ve had in quite some time. How the hell did AZ let him go, and how did we get him so cheap?! He’s an absolute animal.
  5. Let the media dick sucking of Sam, Rhule and the Panthers commence. They’re all going to act like they loved us since the beginning when just 2 weeks ago Sam was the worst starter in the NFL and we were gonna get the number 1 pick next draft. LOL
  6. So is Darnold and we needed a CB1 in the worst way. Horn has been incredible thus far. I’d say we’re good.
  7. It’s not even the RZ offense that’s bad. It’s the goal line offense that’s bad. We can get right down to the line, but struggle punching it in.
  8. Man Adam Gase really must be terrible. Sams a fuging baller.
  9. Probably running it down as much as possible so the Saints don’t get the ball back with any time.
  10. We’re looking like one of the best defenses in the league so far. And the scary thing is that they’re just getting started!
  11. This Rivera slander will not stand! He was the best coach we’ve ever had. 2 time NFL Coach of the Year here. Almost no Head Coach stays in one place longer than 10 years. It gets stale. Rivera is an awesome coach though, I don’t think anybody can dispute that. I think Rhule also has the potential to be a great coach. He’s getting there. This is a really good, young team and the future is extremely bright.
  12. So Taylor has what, 4 career starts, and 3 of them hes gone over 300 yards passing with multiple TDs? Thats a very good start to a career. He's got that "It" factor that everybody is looking for. I like his game a lot.
  13. Panthers - 34 'Taints - 24 Sam goes for 320 yards, 3 TDs 0 INTs CMC has 110 yards rushing, 1 TD and 8 catches for 85 yards and 1 TD DJ Moore has 6 catches for 90 yards 1 TD Robby has 5 catches 100 yards 1 TD Terrace Marshall Jr gets his first career TD catch. Cats win, much rejoicing to be had.
  14. Where is this list that has Sam in the Top 10?!?! Thats a bold gambit by Cowherd. Hes gotta be the only person on the planet who currently ranks Sam Darnold in the Top 10. Although he may be ahead of the curve because I honestly think that it is possible this year for him to make that kind of a jump. He showed arm talent as good or better than just about any QB we've had in a long time around here. He reminds me a lot of Jake actually...
  15. Thats pretty crazy...Mayfield is a great QB. He looked pretty awesome against KC last week. He was going throw for throw with Mahomes all day. That one INT at the end was his only really bad throw of the game. I think he was trying to throw it away but the defender got his leg and he didnt have enough force behind the throw.
  16. If we do straight up beat the Saints tomorrow the narrative around this team is going to change QUICKLY. They are all going to be on our dicks so hard it'll make your head spin. Monday morning it'll all be "Ohhhh, the Panthers are a team to watch this year in the NFC" "They're Certified Frisky" and poo like that....when 2 weeks before they all had us as one of the 3 worst teams in the NFL, and our QB as the worst starting QB on the planet. Its hilarious to me how quickly they change their opinions.
  17. Since when do people have to use gifs in the context of the original movie/show/whatever?
  18. I've always known Taylor had something special. You could tell from the couple of times he got to play with us. The moment is not too big for him and he is not afraid to throw the ball to his guys and let them make a play. I've been incredibly impressed with him in his playoff start last year and then that game last night. Ron may just have something in him. Heinicke SZN has begun!
  19. I've been watching the Panthers since 1995. I have literally seen every single game they have played save for about 5. We have the best receiving RB in maybe the history of the game. It would be absurd to not feed him the ball in space. Screens and dump-offs are a big part of this. Also, we absolutely have been a very good screen team in the past. The Smoke Screens to Smitty back in the day used to kill teams.
  20. Doesnt really compute to me though if Sam is getting the ball out quicker than 2.5 seconds on most passing plays.
  21. Yes, probably....but thats a big staple of our offense, so it is what it is. The short pass/screen game has become a staple of many NFL offenses these days actually. Simply because it is very difficult to defend if you've got the right guys. And we definitely do have the right guys. If I was Brady I would be screening teams to death until they showed they could stop it.
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