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Darth Biscuit

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Status Updates posted by Darth Biscuit

  1. It was pretty good, thanks for asking... a lot of time outside in the sun by the pool. :D

  2. Meat should win. Edit: Nope, not the way you worded the poll... now Zod will win.

  3. Love the profile pic... :D I've never played with Taylor Made's... I have a set of Titleist but my dad has a set of TM RAC irons (along with 4 other sets...), like probably 2006 or 2007 vintage... and he loves them. I personally like the Cleveland Irons better as they seem to have less hosel offset than the TM's... but that's just personal for me. I've heard nothing about TM irons not being good.

  4. I don't think so... search Wendy Combattente... haven't seen any nudes yet.

  5. I came here to ask u to vote for me, but I got distracted by that profile pic again. :eek:

  6. Happy Draft Day! a3o01g.jpg

  7. That one is good, but still not as good as the green bikini... sorry. :D

  8. Pornish? Isn't that a type of bird?

  9. Party foul... 10 yards and loss of down, re-use of old avatar... :P

  10. Cool man... I hope it works out... I don't think that you can go wrong with either set, just depends on what you like better. Are you getting them fitted? Next set I get I'll definitely have them fitted to me...

  11. Happy Draft Day! We'll be at Monkey Junction BWW's at 7:30 tonight. :D117xv1l.jpg

  12. For some reason I thought you might like this... 2ppjz14.jpg

  13. Why you hatin' on the king?

  14. We'll be at Monkey Junction BWW's at 7:30 tonight...

  15. Yes, a girly with bouncing boobies.

  16. I guess I need to find a new one... but I like the current one so much, it's hard to get motivated...

  17. :lol: I saw that... :D Thanks for the bewbage!
  18. Was it your profile pic for a while?

  19. I usually make it to one or two... we are setting something up for Oct. 23 vs. the Redskins. Me and j2sgam are coming up... and maybe some others...

  20. I like the new avy... is she as sad about the Panthers as I am?

  21. Hey slack ass, where's my hot or not threads??? Hmmmm? Some motivation for u... 24lo4n9.jpg

  22. Where have you been?

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