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Darth Biscuit

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Status Updates posted by Darth Biscuit

  1. Yes, surfing the web is most definitely work, so you're good there. My other computer is processing, so I'm fo sho workin'. We got to hire some people next month... me and Brad gonna set a table up at UNCW and interview co-eds... sound like a good plan?

  2. What is this working you speak of? :D Any hot ones? :ihih:

  3. :lol: What you up to today?
  4. Yo, check out the random thread in the LL's...

  5. Nope... all I get is a little "Fortune City" image... they probably don't allow hotlinking...

  6. :eek: Link doesn't worky?!?!

  7. Yes, it's a nice one too... with some toe for an added bonus... I'm working on a few more too... where's my new profile booby pic?

  8. Where have you been?

  9. I'm curious as to why you have neg rep after only one week.

  10. Yes, went to the sto and got me a Code Red... and some cookies. :) Where'd you get that pic?

  11. LOVE the new avatar! :thumbsup:

  12. Lori Loughlin is hot... didn't know she had a six pack... much better than Flo

  13. Your new avatar is almost neg reppable... :(

  14. :lol: Don't know her name sorry... just saw the pic surfing and liked it...
  15. Like her huh? Me too... :D Thanks.

  16. Facebook friends huh... hmmmm... meeting her in person still trumps that though... :P Stein, Stiller, whatever... it's not ass.

  17. That post below by Captroop is freakin' hilarious... I was going to post as well to get Bill Stiller off of your av and put some ass up bee-otch. I see your conversation with Cat below... I've met her you know... and yes, she's hot. :D

  18. Mine are 9 and almost 14 ... they bring me food now. :D

  19. How's the new rug rat doing?

  20. Hmmm... at the bottom of my profile... says "message deleted by Sultan33g..."

  21. Wassup with deleting posts off my profile punk?

  22. Wassup Jangler... happy new year to you too.

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