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Move the Panthers to Raleigh

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Everything posted by Move the Panthers to Raleigh

  1. Does Tepper actually pay for anything himself? I heard, when he was interviewing FO staff for the Panthers, he made the interviewee pay the tab. I'm seriously not a fan of this guy. The community should own the team like GB. (I know lots of teams tax their home cities for the stadiums. Doesn't make it right.)
  2. How many David Moores do we have on this team?
  3. 4:30 on a Sunday is prime, but 1:00 is fine too. Honestly, I don’t like night games because they run past 11:00PM.
  4. We probably could have traded back and still gotten Horn. No matter how anyone wants to spin it, that W cost this team.
  5. Nice callback to an epic moment on Entourage! One of my favorite episodes is in season 2 when Drama is at the Viking Quest booth for Comic Con
  6. As long he doesn't get on the KB diet plan, we're good. Didn't Jeff Otah also have trouble with his weight? When you're that big it seems like it is easy to lose control.
  7. How are gonna split reps at preseason games with all these damn draftees?
  8. I just realized we're gonna go two straight years without a 2nd round pick.
  9. Just securing more picks to draft the entire Baylor starting line.
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