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Move the Panthers to Raleigh

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Everything posted by Move the Panthers to Raleigh

  1. You will see the team give up eventually. Hell, they kinda already did last week
  2. Can’t wait for the “30 for 30” on Bryce. These are some dark days, boys…
  3. We’ve got a bad combination of lack of talent, lack of intelligence, and lack of discipline
  4. Horns needs to stay. Tired of seeing our best guys cast aside
  5. Sorry to hear this. Spent many years watching with my dad on Sunday. He’s still alive, but I’ve been away so it’s been awhile since I’ve watched with him. I’ve taken those moments for granted sometimes
  6. Bengals, Chargers, amd Rams look good. The Eagles one is actually pretty cool
  7. They haven’t made a decent Panthers hat in years.
  8. He should get 3 years whether you like it or not. I don’t have a problem with his demeanor
  9. Made the mistake of attending last week. That’s a big fug no from me
  10. I’m just gonna be a “dormant” fan and come back when something interesting happens. This team is not worth putting mental effort into, and life is too short to spend hours on a day off watching horseshit
  11. I’ll give it until week 8. If we don’t see massive improvement, I’m out on Bryce. Draft a QB 2025.
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