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Everything posted by USDepartmentOfSavagery

  1. Bryce isn’t and wasn’t the issue. I’m worried we might actually have a franchise qb and Frank is going to ruin him.
  2. Bryce needs to play as soon as he’s able. We invested way too much for him not to.
  3. Read option with Andy dalton with 29 seconds left at the 50 yard line lol.
  4. He don’t miss dude. If we can actually build a team, he’s going to be a major weapon for us.
  5. Yeah. Bryce gets the benefit of doubt. PM13 would look pedestrian in this “scheme”. Frank is not helping the offensive line out at all. There are several things you can do to negate your poor pass protection and throwing wr screens to fuging Adam thelin and inside zones to miles sanders ain’t it. All this to say, we’re playing the fuging Seahawks. A somewhat imaginative scheme should be able to exploit their many jokes at all three levels.
  6. Well, good thing the Panthers don’t make emotional decisions and draft players from schools they pull for that they don’t even hold a degree from. Lol.
  7. Donte “always getting burned” Action Jackson. Surprised he didn’t fake an injury like he normally does when he gets burnt.
  8. Yeah the resident UNC “fans” are more mad about his performance than what the panthers are doing. Linville is cool though.
  9. Reich needs to focus on the managerial duties of being a HC and let Brown do his job.
  10. We took it easy “because it was hot” in TC and treated pre-season like a 7 on 7. What do you expect from the softie Frank. QBs don’t make good coaches.
  11. No, no, no lol. Scott and Frank had “conviction” for Bryce. Bryce also impressed them at some steakhouse dinner too, so there is that.
  12. Having arguably the two fastest players in the league at WR who are also elite route runners certainly helps.
  13. Yeah there will be no excuses for Bryce when he comes back. If CJ can do this, Bryce should be able to do the same.
  14. This thread isn’t for wal-mart fans. Run along.
  15. It’s early but it appears the rest of the division is playing well enough to miss the opportunity to draft Williams and Maye. Carr may be done for a while and the Falcons have a Kyle Allen clone at qb. We can still win this division.
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