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Everything posted by Proudiddy

  1. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/34131214/roger-goodell-says-no-authority-remove-daniel-snyder-owner-washington-commanders So, just thought I would share this as I find it interesting that this guy has nonstop been an issue since he took over there and has had issues with racism, sexism, sexual harassment and abuse almost to the level of human trafficking, has been investigated countless times for countless egregious offenses, but Goodell says he has no authority to remove him? Interesting, because the asshole had no problem stepping in here and forcing JR out for far lesser (in terms of quantity and magnitude) offenses because we're just the Carolina Panthers... and now we're stuck with a fuging dumbass for an owner, knowing Snyder is equally, if not more, of a bigot, misogynist, predator and racist... And I have no doubt vocal idiots like Jerry Jones, The McNairs, and Stephen Ross have just as many violations with racism and other workplace problems, and yet, they're still sitting comfortably in power. Note: This is not to excuse JR or what he was accused of. Everyone that knows me on this board and in real-life knows I stand on the side of justice, equality and equity, and love for all. This is simply to point out that this is more evidence that Goodell is a fuging asshole that only meddles when he sees fit and is a fuging piece of poo human being... and it still just pisses me off that we got stuck with Tepper because of their bullshit when the stuff Snyder and Washington have done is of the same category of violation but to a much greater degree and magnitude - for instance, JR demanded Blue Jean Fridays or whatever it was... Snyder had his whole office walking around trading cards of nude cheerleaders they forced into taking nude photographs of, who were essentially being held hostage in a hostile work environment. Both disgusting, but I'd say the second one is far more egregious, and yet, this douche has remained bulletproof. I don't disagree that JR had to sell, but when you see the poo happening in DC, it all feels very predetermined, what happened here. Snyder has not just violated the "shield" multiple times, but he has broken countless state and federal laws with his behavior and the culture he has set forth in DC, and he has not had to answer for it a single time. And not only does he not answer for it, Goodell capes for him. How tf does a coach for another team get fired after they read the internal emails from a whole separate organization, but no one within that organization gets fired? And then Goodell refused to disclose the rest of the emails or release them to media. I fuging hate dude, and he is the main reason why I don't trust that what we see on the field is ever actually a legit, untampered product. From destroying Spygate evidence, to seeing the Ray Rice video and not making a move until the media got it and made it public because of how it made the league look, to officiating in Superbowl 50, to intervening when the JR story broke, and then taking this stance every fuging time more of Snyder's dirt is shoveled up, it just feels all very dirty and manipulated, and it doesn't seem we are one of the favored teams... Again, not defending JR. I'm saying the poo Snyder has done and gotten away with is unbelievable and Goodell has a history of selectively stepping in and not stepping in at all when it's convenient for him and his buddies. Hypocrisy at its finest.
  2. Borrego was what he was. We saw his ceiling as a coach, and it wasn't pretty. We need a new coach and although this is embarrassing, it probably is for the best because Atkinson is a bum and D'Antoni and Snyder are better options.
  3. D'Antoni, Mark Jackson, or Snyder, and I'm more excited than I ever was for this clown. D'Antoni was my favorite from the beginning, but I would love Jackson or Snyder as well. I'm guessing Jackson isn't an option though bc we never interviewed him in the first place. Might be an MJ thing. Never trusted him to begin with, because although he overachiever witht he pre-KD/Kyrie Nets, he flaked out on them too. People now play revisionist history and say he left because they essentially forced him out, but I remember the initial word was that he just resigned on his own, and it was pretty much out of nowhere, just like this was. Oh well, hope he enjoys being a end-of-bench cuck for the rest of his coaching career. It's certainly embarrassing and leaves a bit of a stench on the org, and makes zero sense why you would accept in the first place, but like I said, he had an established history of being a flake, which is why I was lukewarm on him in the first place. We're better off for it... hire one of the guys I listed, and we're projecting a lot higher than we ever would have with this clown.
  4. I hate them with a passion, but that is clean.
  5. Jimmy is solid, but is very much in the mold of a game manager (I kind of hedge towards Baker being that as well), and considering Baker had a severe injury he was playing through all of last season, it's kind of hard to glean much, if anything, from his performances as a result. Also, for that same reason, I don't know how much we can translate from last season to the upcoming season for Jimmy with him coming off of a pretty scary surgery himself. Regardless, if the price is right, I'm taking either over Sam.
  6. Not even checking the link or anything, just came to post that I'm just tired of our media and staff. I honestly don't care what they say anymore. Show me. Period. Every week it seems we have some new little tidbit to keep us engaged, but I just don't care. I'm burned out on this staff and PR department. Show us. Straight up. Stop talking and start doing. And I like Snow, but man, I've had it with the fluff and meaningless breadcrumbs they try to push as news to obfuscate the fact that we're in the midst of our worst stretch in franchise history under what appears to be dysfunctional and unlikeable (currently, all things considered) ownership that we were forced into by the NFL's meddling and manipulation. I'm just over it.
  7. There was a story from last season where someone within the organization had even said he was the best safety we had or the most talented, but they chalked it up to just needing the opportunity or something like that... which I took as, "he's not one of Rhule's guys, and now we have to play him and it's making us look bad for not playing him earlier." No question he's always made plays when he's on the field, and should've been on playing in front of Rhule's Temple and Baylor guys.
  8. Yall can say what you want with the revisionist history and saying it changed when his mother passed... it didn't. It just gave him an excuse to be more of who he already was. KB is a piece of poo. I never wanted him and knew he was going to be exactly what he became - a fat fuging bum. The signs were all there at FSU, but Gettleman wanted to show everybody how much smahtah he was then everyone else. The character issues, as well as the inability to control his weight, giving up on plays/routes, laziness, lack of work ethic - all of that poo was there before we drafted him. It's the same reason I was adamant I didn't want Funchess when those rumors started... and guess what? Both of them ended up washing out in similar fashion. And I'm not going to give KB a pass for anything. Life happens, he was just too immature to cope with it in a healthy manner, and because of his fat lazy ass, we lost our generational talent at QB and took what could've been a 15 year Superbowl window to about a 6 year run, all in 1 play. fug KB. And fug Gettleman.
  9. NGL, I was surprised by that aspect because when you saw him command the huddle and pregame speeches in NO, he had tons of charisma and a surprising amount of bravado. I know that doesn't translate necessarily, but he was so flat on TV, it was a huge contrast. It's definitely a different world, which is why they shouldn't be handing these jobs out without a proven amount of time and experience in doing it. Greg had been doing the spots for NFLN and Fox before he was even retired and even the longtime TV guys were going on about how good he is, and yet, Mr. Toupee here and Brady are raking in huge deals and displacing guys despite having no experience with it. Imagine how Rodney Harrison (F him, by the way) feels. He got ousted out of the studio for THAT, and now they fire him after one year.
  10. Sure, but as I mentioned, he put up numbers that had him in the bottom three all-time passers that ever attempted a specific number of throws since stats have been tracked over several weeks. So, he could look better than he did, but that better is probably how he looked with the Jets, which still isn't good...
  11. Again, not saying Cam is what he was, because as a passer, he clearly isn't, but it was clear the entire offense was dysfunctional to a degree I have never recalled seeing in an offense before... From the playcalling to the protection, anyone who lined up under center was going to look far worse than they actually are. All things considered, Cam did an admirable job with what he was working with (or against). Where he looked average to good outside of the Miami game, Darnold was putting up "all-time worst passer in NFL history"-level numbers over a 3 week stretch in the same conditions. I'm convinced had Brady been playing in this offense and under that staff last season the headlines would be "He needs to retire before he tarnishes his legacy." It was that bad.
  12. Tepper and losing have sucked the life and energy out of the team and fanbase.
  13. Hell yes! This was who i wanted. That's what I'm talking about. LaMelo could ascend to MVP contention under D'Antoni. And people rag on D'Antoni's defenses, but I guarantee you it will still be better than that garbage JB was rolling out there the last few years. And at the very least, we will be consistent and structured. And if he can bring in a defensive coordinator-type, like Ham that Lurk mentioned above, even better. We are going to be a problem!
  14. Could've just been the drill they were doing, but the little cut up the Panthers Twitter posted showed Mays snapping the ball. I know he was drafted for his versatility, but I wonder if we're projecting him as a center?
  15. It is, and we're likely going to lose ours.
  16. It's because it was gettleman giving it to him. Had to look out for his "look at me everyone, I'm a REAL GM, and I'm smahtah than the rest of you" small-school sleeper pick.
  17. My thoughts are much like Fitt has expressed. Although I would've been hyped to get Watson, it still would've stung quite a bit if we had traded all those picks to do so. So, the best route is to get them young and you get the benefit of them playing on their rookie contract while building a winning team around them, and hopefully, you strike gold with them... so, that's what we have to hope for with Corral now. Also, as far as LT, if Ickey projects to what many feel he will, we weren't going to find another LT Luke that available in FA, especially not 21 or 22 years old. This guy is likely a franchise tackle and will be with us for the entirety of his career. Same with Corral if he pans out... so if we hit on them in any sort of fashion, we definitely took the much better route, AND we got to keep our first and second rounders for the next 3 years in the process. Win, win.
  18. I dont know when our teams are gonna learn this, both the Panthers and Hornets... but, if you draft a guy and develop him into a star, you give that guy what he's asking for prior to the expiration of his rookie contract. We get burned by this time and time again. As for Gordon, I'm fine with swapping him for Randle. I know it's one problem for someone else's, but Randle could fill a role we need more than Gordon has. Either him or Myles Turner.
  19. Yuck. Not feeling the early rumored names at all outside of D'Antoni and maybe Atkinson.
  20. Good points... it could've been primarily zone. I just know he mirrored the #1s in our division, and from memory, it often appeared he ran with them for the entirety of their routes... and i could've swore we drafted him to play more man. At least thats how i remember it. But, I know we ran a zone heavy scheme. I'll go with your take though. Either way, I don't think it's gonna be relevant to us.
  21. Good point about Fitt being in SEA when they traded for him... forgot about that. And considering how that turned out, it may be why we haven't heard of any interest coming from our side towards him, considering he has just been sitting out there available all this time and last I checked, the Browns had offered to him already.
  22. you could be right, but although we ran a zone scheme under Ron, we drafted him to lock up the bigger receivers in our division like Evans, Julio, and Michael Thomas, which is what he did really well when manned up on them. With the Giants, maybe his struggles in man may be due to him losing a step or maybe he was dealing with injuries?
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