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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. Sign him now, when he gets out of Twitter hell or jail he will be a steal. What's the price for signing him now?
  2. I do. (for the right price) That said, no way he can be on-boarded until all the legal allegations are 100% settled --- risk is too great.
  3. What one helluva a conspiracy this guy McNair has orchestrated with the help of his neighbor!
  4. No chance. DW's value is either static, or zero. Even more reason for the Texans to hold onto him now... ...if he sits the season and this all turns out to be much ado about nothing his trade value will be even more this same time next year -- and the Texans will have picked up another high draft pick in the interim.
  5. You have heard what the 3rd complaint is, right? MUCH more than rubbing and exposing. What are the odds complaints #4, #5 and #6 get progressively worse?
  6. That's just an idiotic excuse. Not an excuse... ...simply the truth.
  7. ESPN is in the business of selling advertising... ...Deshaun sells -- Chad does not. Heck never even heard of Chad Wheeler before right now...
  8. With a no trade clause on top of it... Excellent point.
  9. & moreover the Texans fired O'Brien after only 4 games into the 2020 season. another hasty move or better yet let's say reaction Given all that long-time ineptitude, which Deshaun had a front-row seat for... ...why in the heck did he sign a contract obligating him to stick around for additional 4-years?
  10. Hey just a heads up... ...rumor is a Boeing-747 might land on your street some time tomorrow so please be careful coming and going -- you don't want to be in the way of that.
  11. He has been quoted as saying it yes. I've certainly seen that narrative in print many many places but have never seen any Panthers executive quoted as such --- especially not David Tepper. Where could I locate that quote? I looked around some out on Al Gore's internets but wasn't able to find anything... ...could you please point me to it?
  12. The funny thing is the "trafficking" was the original premise for the warrant to install the cameras -- completely made up.. The improper information to secure a warrant is what ultimately led two different courts in Fla. to rule the video from said cameras inadmissible. Game over. I have a lot of respect for the police but there are plenty of them out there who aren't afraid operate out-of-bounds.
  13. That case also went wrong because it was a police investigation and the officers in charge botched it. Kraft should probably be in jail. So should Roethlisberger. But what can you do? Surely you are not serious there?
  14. It was almost 3.5 years ago and the guy has been dead for 2.5 years... ...but don't let the facts get in the way of your narrative.
  15. Everyone deserves the presumption of innocence. Among others this includes DW, the cops, Antonio Brown, DeAndre Baker (Huddle had him doing 20-to-Life), Britt Reid, any and all billionaires... ...even you. The problem is the presumption of innocence is doled out very selectively around here...
  16. I Maybe it’s the timing, and it is no doubt suspicious it’s just strange reading all these responses and Twitter replies, a ton of people dismissing the issue without process and ‘fully supporting Watson’ without waiting to see what happens. If Russell Wilson was the focus of Buzbee's efforts think reactions would be different?!?
  17. This would be much more of a "homecoming" than with DW. I'd be fine with seeing Russ in a Panthers uniform. Would be really interesting to see the reactions here if Buzbee was filing these complaints against Russ vs. DW!
  18. human trafficking victims are not willing participants. the police were called on the massage parlor that Kraft was in because it fit the tell tale signs of human trafficking. edit: i see you've already had this explained to you but are ignoring it, so i'll chalk you down as a bad-faith arguer Not ignoring at all --- see my response in last post on page-9. You fell into the same trap as @Zod and should also acquaint yourself with the facts of the case. The facts of the case are in diametric opposition to the "human trafficking" rhetoric you are both propagating. It's ok...the news cycles moves fast and "the cops were wrong" doesn't generate clicks/views and rarely gets media coverage after-the-fact in cases of this nature --- easy to miss on your part. Cheers. @joemac @LMT @Martin
  19. Interesting on the 3 months. For a while now I've felt someone with very poor judgement wormed their way into Deshaun's inner circle after he signed his big contract and started influencing him in a bad way. The way this whole thing was approached with the Texans seems to go against the general demeanor and behavior he exhibited in the past. Buzbee is wacky for sure...but he is also highly competent and very very successful. If he doesn't have his i's dotted and t's crossed I will be very surprised. That's how it went down with Harvey Weinstein. Incidents that were never reported to the police at the time, many years if not decades old, were used to put him in jail for 23 years. Certainly not predicting anything of the sort for DW, but...he's got some tough sledding ahead of him. I think the system will function as it should.
  20. Good question. IF the allegations have any veracity at all seems the odds would be low this guy (Buzbee) happened to find the only 6 involved. As for the money, it's a low stakes case for Buzbee...he generally goes after MUCH deeper pockets and has a number of $100-million++ verdicts to his credit.
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