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  • Birthday January 15

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  1. Fuggin Leggette man. He’s a body catcher and doesn’t know how to turn his hands over. How scouts do not see that is beyond me
  2. Watch Trevin Wallace 56. He is not doing ANYTHING
  3. Lewis and Hunt are getting all they can handle
  4. I absolutely love Mason’s game. However from a strategy perspective, I believe that we can solve the D-line issues in free agency cheaper than we can a #1 WR. If T-mac is there you take him, if not you go Graham or Carter
  5. 3rd and 10 slant to Tremble of all people.
  6. These play calls are so unimaginative
  7. Getting cute. Run the fuggin got dam ball dave
  8. Why is Canales afraid to run the damn ball
  9. Why tf are we playing 10 yards off coverage
  10. Why would Canales get cute and stop the clock
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