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Everything posted by Chimera

  1. Yeah I guess there is a big difference in mentality in Golds Gym vs. the Y It definitely shows among the men, too. I spend 10 minutes searching for plates that are spread all over the weight room in the wrong places.
  2. Women at my gym just watch tv from the treadmills and bikes. I only see them lifting when they're doing some sort of fusion yoga.
  3. wow. you take very expensive dumps you aren't limiting carbs, are you?
  4. Protein also goes a long way with DOMS, but without the need for hyper hydration.
  5. Creatine definitely works. I had a very bad case of tendonitis when I was using it - don't know if it was related, but never had any flare ups without Creatine.
  6. I've finally decided to join the local Y. I haven't been to the Y in ages and was pleasantly surprised at their facilities. The weight room isn't the greatest, but it has 90% of what I want. I'm trying to get out of the circuit / interval training mindset. That has been the staple of my workouts for far too long. I have done a lot of low weight, high rep, compound movements weight lifting but haven't lifted heavy in 5-6 years maybe. I'm working back into it slowly. I put it off for a while until I saw a young guy struggling with his form. He was trying to clean and jerk, but was on his way to breaking his back with that form. I coached him up a little, got him to place his feet correctly and use his body to stabilize the weight. He learned pretty well and was surprised at how light it suddenly felt. We did a few sets together that day and benched another day. He's well ahead of me on the bench, but I'll catch up.
  7. Back when I was a real gym rat, I squatted twice a week (usually Monday and Friday) and deadlifted on Wednesday. Back then I didn't really consider squats to be a leg workout, but more of a total body workout. If your routine is working for you, stick with it. Finding your rhythm is important if you want to make fitness a lifestyle. One thing I would suggest is to break up the 3x5 routine. Doing that for several weeks will cause your body to plateau or "flat line." When you stop seeing improvement, you lose motivation. When you lose motivation, your gym days start getting farther apart. Throw in some low weight/high rep weeks (say, 10-8-6 or 21-15-9) and some heavy weight/low rep weeks (5-3-1 for a real max weight effort). Every time you get to your max week, you should improve, even if it's a measley 10 pounds.
  8. WTF is that creepy face and beer belly outside the team store?
  9. Re: Schiano being oblivious. What a douche. http://scores.espn.go.com/nfl/recap?gameId=331024027
  10. What? You don't order food based on the size of your lunch partner? I remember way back in high school a female acquaintance showed up in a brand new bmw 5 series one day. I casually remarked "cake eater..." Her response: "are you calling me fat?"
  11. Why didn't palmer get flagged for hit out of bounds? Fugging refs
  12. If Richardson has any balls whatsoever, he better make sure this officiating crew never steps on an nfl field again
  13. I was thinking that too, but Smitty wasn't making much of an effort to make the cut. He could have seen he couldn't make it and tried to lure PP away. who knows? I'm sticking with the duck theory
  14. and a no call DPI on the play. everybody throws a duck once in a while. I'll worry if he does it again today
  15. These refs are pretty bad. They'll be officiating the super bowl
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