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Everything posted by glenwo2

  1. Then I might as well record the game and watch it later....after downing a few drinks.
  2. If this comes true, I will be both Impressed and appalled.
  3. On Sam holding the ball: "He needs to just continue to play in the system....He's not feeling the pass rush. ...He's not seeing it." Does he mean that he hasn't been properly identifying where the rush would come from Pre-Snap? Maybe that's what Brady is alluding to.
  4. If he's done, then the season is done unless Brady all of a sudden learns how to properly orchestrate an offense, Sam all of a sudden starts throwing to open receivers, and Chuba starts catching passes.
  5. If it's actual injury that's causing his kicking woes, then I hope he heals up. In the meantime, whose the new guy?
  6. Yeah I kind of already know that since he...you know...already told me at the previous page? Welcome to "4 hours ago", bud. But man....we could sure have used Horn in this game.
  7. 1.) Agreed. I would limit his time if he plays. Get Chuba involved more since he seems to be getting more comfortable in the offense. Maybe put him and CMC on the field at the same time, fake the hand-off to CMC, give it to Chuba instead and watch him run for a huge gain. 2.) Agreed. IMO, I would only attempt longer passes if we were at the opponent's 35-30'ish Yard Line. But until we get to that point, "MOVE THE CHAINS" should be the mission. 3.) I think someone suggested they go Hurry-Up to get the juices flowing again and I agree. 4.) Also agree. We need to keep trying to score points whether it be TDs or FGs(but preferably TDs). Our "D" may be great but it's not like a Legendary "D" such as the '85 bears that we could sit on a lead. That NEVER WORKS in today's NFL. 5.) Kirk is not fleet-of-foot nor is he elusive. He's about as much a Statue as you can get in today's NFL. The "D" SHOULD FEAST this Sunday.
  8. It's also on the QB to scan the entire field to find the open man. From what I saw, he was determined to throw it to Robbie no matter what. Problem was...the Defense knew this already and that's why the game ended on that INT. One can only lament the lost opportunities the Panthers had to ice this game before that crappy moment....
  9. Well you certainly don't have to do anything to show everyone how much of an a-hole you are so there you go. Oh give me a break with just myself questioning his effort. There are others here who saw the dropped passes(and they were dropped passes) that could've been caught. But I guess since I'm the so-called "darnold fanboy" as you put it, that makes you the Robbie Apologist then. So this is the hill you're choosing to die on this time. Okay then. The truth is that Robbie needs to play better. The truth is that Sam needs to throw to the open man instead of triple coverage. The truth is that Brady needs to gameplan better so we don't suck in the 3rd quarter. And the truth is you need to get off your soapbox and stop calling someone a Non-Panthers fan. (don't know why I even bother reading your posts when I know you're just looking to piss me off)
  10. His entire career was spent with the Jets prior to coming here. That would imply that he caused the Jets to suck than the Jets caused the Jets to suck which is highly unlikely.
  11. Hmmm...that makes sense. If we don't have CMC, this may be a painful game to watch.
  12. It was never a battle to begin with. It was just an old Kungfool with too much time on his hands who continues to believe I'm not a Panthers fan even though my Ranking here on this board says otherwise. It would be so adorable, if it wasn't so stupid. But anyway, I don't want to send this thread off the rails here. Kungfool just wants to talk sh*t because he's got nothing better to do with his time. This is about Robbie Anderson and hopefully he gives out a better effort in the next game to catch the football. And hopefully Sam throws the football to the open man(that would help a ton, too).
  13. So our "D" automatically becomes better and holds the Vikings to 24 points because of CMC's presence?
  14. With CMC : Panthers 38 Vikings 27 Without CMC: Panthers 28 Vikings 27 It's going to be Nail-biting time if CMC can't play.
  15. Apparently, I just noticed that I'm a "Veteran" now with just 1.6k posts. Not bad for a "non-Panthers fan". And if you had bothered to read any of what I was posting, you'd have seen that I've gotten on Sam quite a bit for his piss-poor play. (idiot..)
  16. They need to run more slants for him instead of just using him as a Deep threat. The O-Line is not good enough to give Sam enough time to find him. Throw it to him and let him gets some YAC and maybe make one defender miss and take it to the house or something.
  17. Well of course it ended with the INT. That goes without saying. I'm just pointing out that the game could've ended with the Panthers on top if Sam's 3rd-down pass was caught. That is all I'm saying.
  18. Oh I understand but when Eazy-E went all defensive about it and posted that Tweet as if it contains irrefutable evidence that is was an uncatchable ball, I just had to provide a massive counterpoint to such foolishness.
  19. Bingo. Hope they do get it together because the Vikings are licking their chops right now ready to bumrush Sam from the moment they get off the plane. Sam and the WR's have got to be on the Same page. And Brady has GOT TO call a better game than the garbage we saw against Philly.
  20. This is what happens when you rely on Twitter vids that only give wide-angle far-away shots instead of the close-ups I just provided.
  21. @Eazy-E "Got a fingertip", my butt!! As you saw in the ACTUAL CLOSE-UP, he had a legit shot at catching that. It would not have been an easy catch, of course, but WHAT CATCH IS EASY IN THE NFL? Plus, the Game was on the f'n line. Robbie is a Professional Football Wide Receiver being paid almost 30 million a year. His job is to catch the friggin' football and he failed to do that in a big spot. In a perfect world, Sam would've thrown a bullseye to him but it's not a Perfect World and neither is Sam. Therefore it's up to the Wide Receiver to "Make a Play". It's their job.
  22. Olsen's words during that replay : "You know, in a perfect world, you want to put it on him but in Pro-Ball, sometimes you gotta catch that ball. That was more catchable than Erickson's"
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