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Everything posted by NiceDreams

  1. Probably because Ruhle already knows who his workhouse RB is during crunch time.
  2. Good observation. Going to take time to break some of the bad habits he formed in NY, but if he can start trusting his instincts again and ball out, good things will happen for your guys.
  3. Take a stroll over to the Jet Nation forums. You'll see a fair amount of it. Beat reporters Rich Cimini, Conor Hughes, Manish Mehta, Brian Costello, Joe Caporoso....etc wrote about it more than they should have over the past 3 seasons. Robby Sabo provided some great breakdowns of it on twitter. However, I would agree to your point. Overall decision making was probably the most popular gripe amongst our fan base, along with poor footwork/mechanics and inability to decipher the defense.
  4. Three years of tape, performance and metrics are readily available for you to sift through. If either of us is creating some type of alternate reality here, its not me. But sure, lets agree to disagree. Cheers.
  5. There is so much wrong with this post. The only true statement in it is the Jets being garbage last year.
  6. You're kidding me? A highlight reel tape of positive plays doesn't show Sam locking onto his receivers and having trouble reading the defense? Very bizarre.
  7. Both of these things can be true simultaneously. Hoping, and wishing Sam has success for your team, while at the same time acknowledging one of his weaknesses during his first 3 seasons has been an inability to process information and get through his progressions quickly. As much as I like him, I also have eyes and watched every single game of his young career. My personal feelings about his success has no bearing on making an honest and good faith assessment of his strengths and weaknesses.
  8. Don't get me started on Santonio...smh. I'm a full functioning Jets fan in good standing. Just following Sam as I was a big supporter of his when we first drafted him and truly want nothing but success for the young man. He's a great kid who was given the worst HC / situation in all the NFL. There really is no where for him to go but up from the hellscape that was Adam Gase.
  9. In the context of this discussion, equating Sam's lack of playing time to Stafford's lack of playing time is not really a good comparison. Stafford is basically a guaranteed 4,000+ YDs and 20+ TDs every year plays a full season. Sam's best year would be a terrible year for Stafford. Not to mention he's a going into his 13th year.
  10. I'll take back-to-back AFC Championship Games. Maybe we can actually win one this time.
  11. Players either have it or they don't. The whole "insert franchise" ruined "insert player" is a fallacy, IMO.
  12. It's not really that difficult to find comps to Darnold. Pretty much exclude anyone who is a proven commodity.
  13. Do you truly believe Stafford and Darnold are in similar situations?
  14. From the outside looking in, the lack of playing time and in-game reps is a bit of a head-scratcher. You'd think the coaches would want to get Sam meaningful reps, but I don't get paid the big bucks like Ruhle so I'm sure he has some type of plan on how he wants to handle him after 3 years of NY trauma.
  15. Bit of a strawman as I didn't say it was a bad rep. It was a completion and the play was successful. Point being, Sam clearly locked onto Robby pre-snap and didn't look at any other part of the field. Robby was the only receiver in that area, aside from a check-down. Whether he considered the check-down could be open for debate. After watching him play for 3 years, once he locks on he's pretty much made up his mind. In itself that isn't terrible, but in time you'll realize he is not proficient in making his progressions. There's pretty clear video of the sequence if you care to take a look.
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