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Future of the Funchise

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Everything posted by Future of the Funchise

  1. Like back when Olsen used to catch the ball and fall as soon as he was touched. At least with Olsen he was catching the ball 12 -20 yards down the field.
  2. He was great in college cause no on could touch him. He aint ready for these big league hits.
  3. Come on refs, the Texans have been holding all damn game.
  4. He has impressed me overall. The Jets tried to ruin a good guy.
  6. Royce running with speed and looking like he's ready for contact if it comes. Good vision. Nice cuts.
  7. We gotta get another duel threat back like J.Stew. Chubba stiff arms like my gf when I'm pulling off her panties and she's saying no but she's really saying take me daddy.
  8. Did they even talk about the game during the half time show?
  9. At least his eyes are down field and he's not making mistakes. The line has to step up and protect him and mfkers gotta stop dropping passes when he hits them. Darnold is not the problem this game. It's easy to say that because of his past. Since CMC is out people gotta be mad at somebody. I say we riot against Chubba.
  10. It's not Darnold's fault he has a poo line and no one in the backfield to help.
  11. He had his eyes down field where they were supposed to be.
  12. I guess Chubba got tired of me talking poo and has decided to do the bare minimum.
  13. Time for Jeremy Chinn to turn it on and run back an interception for a touchdown.
  14. I was really hoping the Chubba "Chu Chu Train" Hubbard would show us more.
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