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Everything posted by KillerKat

  1. Funny how we pressure the QB with KK at DE and CJ at DT. Should be permanent. If CJ aint gonna do poo, at least take up blockers.
  2. I just said the TD covering Julio is what pisses me off. Norman should be on Julio all day. But no we're too hard headed to do anything on D that makes sense.
  3. Kuechly did his best Nakamura impression. Terrible game by Kuechly today.
  4. We had TD covering Julio. The play didn't work out, but thats the poo that pisses me off about this D.
  5. Hey remember Dilfer said We are always taking cheap shots and always dirty? Julio Jones said Norman never talks poo to him. fug you Dilfer
  6. Again. Same guy from same spot almost blocks a FG. Rivera didn't fix poo.
  7. 15 GUYS ON THE FIELD! Thats gotta be a double penalty or something right?
  8. I wonder if we should change positions between Short and CJ. Make CJ a DT and Short a DE. CJ can be the run stopper and taking on blocks while Short can rush the passer more.
  9. That's all on Cam. He should've ran for it or thrown it away. Terrible by Cam.
  10. The refs gave him a terrible spot. I could clearly see it was a first during live play. Why can't the refs?
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