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Mr Mojo Risin

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Posts posted by Mr Mojo Risin

  1. 12 hours ago, Navy_football said:

    I don't think Fitterer is doing THAT bad of a job. In my opinion, Reich needs to focus on managing the game on Sundays and stop trying to be a playcaller. 

    Calling plays never ends once the opening kick off happens. You're constantly reviewing trends and formations to come up with solutions, and figure out how to force favorable match ups. How can he do all that and still manage the game as the HC. 

    From the clock mismanagement, not knowing who's in the game (TMJ, Thielen and Chinn), leaving Zavala in there when there was an obviously better option on the bench, running Miles into the line when he's obviously injured or not comfortable between the tackles, not getting the ball to Laviska even though he's the best playmaker on the team, throwing screens to Ian and ignoring Hurst, etc...

    He's missing the big stuff because he's too much in the weeds trying to figure out the next play on offense. His job is to oversee every aspect of the game and offer expertise and guidance, even if that's just asking the right questions. Like, if TMJ led the team in receptions last week, why hasn't he played a down? If Chinn led the team in tackles/sacks last week, why is only playing 19% of the defensive snaps? 

    I still have hope for Frank, but every week he forgoes his responsibilities as a HC on game days, so he can live out some fantasy of calling plays in the NFL, I lose more and more hope that he's the right guy. The team is missing his leadership on game days. That's a HC's most important role. 

    Totally agree. I'm all for giving a new regime time to get their legs under them. Even if that costs us some games, but eventually you hope to see improvement and every game there is something incredibly odd/wrong that happens, like stuff youd see under Matt Rhule and his inexperiencedcollege staff. We don't have a fluid operation.

    It could also be that we have too many chefs in the kitchen. Reich has always preached about this being a collaborative effort. We brought in all of these "smart and experienced" coaches but nothing seems organized. Idk hopefully they figure it out soon. Maybe this is the week they are able to put it all together and we have the upset of the year vs the Dolphins. Probably not, but I can at least dream of it happening

    And tbh...the thing with Fitt is that he gambles big. And if those moves pay off you come out looking like the cats pajamas, but the other side of that is you also end up looking like a fool if it blows up in your face and unfortunately nothing but the latter has happened so far on almost every move he's made. Jury is still out on a lot of them though. 12 games left. Hopefully we see some improvement 

  2. 56 minutes ago, thebdawg said:

    You don’t know what awful looks like lmao. Bryce has looked up and down. Awful is not being able to sustain drives, hit your receivers when they’re open, convert third downs. Bryce is doing those things.

    Awful is the Jimmy Clausen 2010 offense. If you wanna get some perspective on that, Bryce threw as many touchdowns yesterday as Jimmy did in the entire season.

    You can say the lions were in a shell prevent the 4th quarter but they weren’t. You think they were in prevent on the goal line?? They weren’t blitzing but they weren’t in prevent, they were in cover 2/cover 3 most of the second half.

     Anyways, your quarterback analysis is what’s truly awful here. Bryce has been up and down, some bad and some good. He’s a rookie. Get over it.

    The only drive you can see them playing prevent was the final drive in the 4th. The one before that they were in the same defense. Still playing press man and blitzing and Bryce led us down the field for a TD.

    • Pie 2
  3. 11 minutes ago, Shocker said:

    @NAS No way to say anything positive here. You are posting on a board full of trolls who thrive on negativity

    This. But I still appreciate the effort. However, I enjoy listening to the arm chair GM hot takes they think they know everything it's quite hilarious

    • Pie 1
  4. Just now, mc52beast said:

    People here want us to be the new Browns where we have 20 different starting QB’s and coaches in a ten year period. It’s the gotta have it now mentality where if you don’t win NOW we just blow it up and keep blowing it up until we have a three game winning streak.

    Unfortunately every fanbase has a bunch of mrcompletely11's running around. There's not much you can do but laugh at them

  5. 13 minutes ago, CamWhoaaCam said:

    Except we just did that with Matt Rhule!


    My goodness people we don't want to keep falling for hope. Frank had his day, the game has simply passed him by. We need to move on. He's had 8 games and still can't buy a win. These playcalls you see it, how do you defend that. The man was still calling underneath routes while we are getting blown out. We signed Chark who is a deep threat yet no deep balls. Bryce struggles are not only on him but the play caller. He's dinking and dunking and it shows with his stats.


    Frank gotta go. No more longterm plan. He's not the answer now, he won't be then.

    I understand believe me. Being 0-5 through the first 5 weeks is not a good look no matter who the coach is. I really do think they need more time though. If Rhule got to year 3 I think Reich certainly makes it to year 2 but beyond that will be a question to how we end this year and start next year. If we come out winless through this first few weeks next year I will be fully on board for a reset and I don't think anyone in the NFL would blame us. I just don't see any major changes happening this season. I could be wrong though we'll just have to see

    • Poo 1
  6. Just now, CamWhoaaCam said:

    Do you even work in real life bro?


    If you are bad at your job you don't get to keep it. That's not how you run a successful business by hiring bad employees who are in a position of leadership and teaching.


    It's sad people have this mindset, as if they think they can keep a job without producing or meeting the standard. Im so glad I work for nobody. I would lose my mind if I saw someone not doing there job at the company standard. Im getting off track so lets get back to the topic. Sorry had to vent that comment rubbed me the wrong way.

    Unfortunately these aren't "real jobs" we are talking about here. The owners invest MILLIONS into these guys. They aren't going to give up on them through 5 weeks into the regular season in their first year no matter how emotional this fan base gets. No one is going to want to come coach here and no free agent is going to sign here if that's how you choose to run your team. Give them time to figure it out that is literally the only option.

    • Flames 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, TheBigKat said:

    The sooner Reich is gone the sooner Bryce has a chance.


     I’m against trading any more core assets


     here’s my core: Burns, Luvu, Brown, Bryce (you’re stuck with him), Horn (one more year), Ikem, Chinn


    there’s no bandaids here, we’re going to stink next year as well cause getting Bryce cost us a pound of flesh. Overpriced FAs won’t be the answer


    Many on here will disagree but you solidify your D-line with Brown and Burns, solidify Luvu and admit the error in Reich and Fitterer and get an innovative coach, not a retread who was canned from his last job due to a lackluster start. The longer you wait to remove Reich the more you’re damaging Young. 

    Jerry Jeudy isn’t the answer nor is trading away our core


    the answer is innovative coaching and experienced GM/scouting abilities.



    So we hire a new coach and GM come out and lose 2 or 3 games to start the season next year what do you do? Fire them as well? Keep firing coaches until one finally has a hot start? I don't think moving on from Reich or even Fitt this season is a realistic option. Next season though? And we still look like this? Absolutely.

    • Pie 2
    • Flames 1
  8. I see a lot of Clausen comparisons from posters yet I've never seen Clausen have that type of game against ANY defense prevent or not. So which is it? Is he a Clausen clone or a garbage time stat padder? He can't be both.

    Today was a rough day for most of it. Those interceptions sucked. They were pretty terrible decisions no ifs ands or buts about it. I expect to see some of those kind of plays time to time from our rookie QB.

    But to the people complaining about garbage time stats you wouldn't waste anytime flaming Bryce if he threw more INTs and had multiple 3 and outs during "garbage time" in today's game so your opinions are exactly that, garbage. I give credit to Bryce for continuing to battle through adversity even when the game isn't close. Hopefully this will give him something to build off of in future weeks.

    • Pie 2
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  9. 53 minutes ago, WhoKnows said:

    SMH. After the BS we were fed in preseason, this is amazing.

    All you the preseason doesn’t matter guys were completely wrong. Young should have been playing tons more snaps. Our vanilla poo hasn’t fooled anyone but to basically say that Young has regressed means that we screwed up when we barely played him in the preseason when he had gobs of opportunities to learn. Yes, he’s regressed. We were told that he was making all the OL calls and that he was soaking in everything so fast that they gave him more. Either those were all lies or Reich is just plain terrible.

    I dont think it's any indictment on Bryce (not saying you said it was) but overall I agree with this. I was pretty disheartened with how much our young offense got to play in the preseason. Definitely felt like they approached that wrong. Feels like they over shot themselves on how good we were supposed to be this year with our rookie qb versus accepting reality and making sure we bring our rookie along by any means necessary. Meaning playing meaningful snaps in all 3 preseason games which didn't happen. If they wanted to "hide our scehemes" so we could win more games then they should have sat Bryce for Dalton.

  10. Bryce needs time in the NFL. He is praised for his brain and being super smart. That means he has the ability to learn. And with that ability I believe he will one day be a pretty good QB for us. Maybe not tomorrow or next week but eventually he will figure it out he just needs time. He wasn't blessed with ultra athletic ability or prototypical NFL height and weight or a rocket arm. He has the ability to process information and learn and that's exactly what he's doing.

    He's completed 20+ passes 3 games in a row. Yes they have been shorter throws and he hasn't taken a ton of risks and he probably isn't going too. They are trying to be smart with the football and minimize mistakes/turnovers. Part of that will be less shots taken and missed opportunities down field. You can argue that's the wrong approach and they need to at least try and open things up but for whatever reason they felt this was what gave them the best opportunity to win. I'm telling you guys I know it sucks to have to be patient but these guys just need time together on the field. It's not always going to be pretty we just have to hope Bryce is able to learn, grow, and develop his game through out this season.

  11. Just now, LinvilleGorge said:

    Start threatening defenses vertically and watch some of these issues start resolving. When you allow defenses to not have to cover behind 20 yards offense is really tough. Yeah, Zavala is trash though and he needs to be on the bench and it should've already happened.

    When you make this trade this is the pressure you put on the guy you take. It's not fair to Bryce but it is what it is. We made the decision that he could make up for the deficiencies we were going to have giving up those resources and assets.

    Regardless of what they said unless everything aligned perfectly we weren't going to the playoffs this year. Not with the injuries we've had to key players. I forget what game it was but our oline last year came along very slowly. It wasn't until Bozeman got to play that our line finally started to click. I imagine once Corbett comes back from injury the line play should improve, hopefully drastically.

    Listen, the jury is still out on Bryce. No I am not 100% sold he is going to be able to be the franchise Qb we need him to be and worthy of all the assets we gave up to get him, however expecting him to make gourmet food with dog poo ingredients is a bit unreasonable. If he continues to miss throws deep from a clean pocket and continues turning the ball over I will be right there with you guys asking for some sort of change. But not yet. It's way too early and with the way this oline, rbs, and wrs have performed so far he has yet to have a real chance to lead this team.

    It sucks to be staring down the barrel of another wasted season. But you can't blame Reich and Young for what previous teams did or did not do. That's not fair to them they should have a clean slate. If losing this year while taking our lumps and going through the growing pains of being a young team is what's needed for future success then so be it. But I would wager once our oline gets its poo together Bryce will be able to show what he's capable of and then we will learn if we have a gamer at Qb or Pickles 2.0. Too soon to tell though.

  12. 2 minutes ago, AceBoogie said:

    You think the biggest takeaway from that video is that Bryce is missing reads? I watched that video in its entirety and if that’s the takeaway y’all are failing the test. 

    Yea it's funny to me people want to put all the offenses issues on our rookie QB. No run game, oline having issues protecting, wrs not getting consistent separation, and of course the rookie mistakes that Bryce makes. And every mistake he makes is magnified times 10 and exaggerated by people on this board who I thought had a good football acumen. But that's what happens when people get blinded by emotion it is what it is. 

    • Pie 1
  13. Just now, mrcompletely11 said:

    Sigh, this poo again.


    There are way more examples of qbs playing like poo early in their career and busting then guys playing like poo and turning it around. 


    And enough with the excuses damn

    I'd wager Bryce isn't playing like poo. Sure he's missed some throws but he's working with what he's got which isn't much. What I listed weren't excuses those are what we call "facts."

    Fact #1. Our oline has been atrocious. Both in the run game and pass game. This is indisputable.

    Fact #2. Our running has been atrocious. Kind of falls in line with Fact #1 but this is also indisputable.

    Fact #3. Our WRs are struggling to get separation "moreso in the first 2 weeks, the last 2 weeks have been better but not by much" This is also indisputable.

    By ignoring the top 3 conditions in which we are forcing our rookie QB to play into it just shows how much of a couch potato you actually are but I wouldn't expect anything less from a casual fan who doesn't understand what's really happening on the football field.

  14. Just now, Doc Holiday said:

    My only thing is, with Cam, after his first game there was absolutely no doubt, here we sit 4 games in still looking for signs he’s not a busy. Let that sink in.

    There are plenty of examples of good QBs struggling early in their career. Some were fortunate to not have to play at all. Cam has the NFL record for yards thrown through the first 5 weeks of an NFL season. That was set back in 2011. Not every QB is going to come in and light it up their rookie year.

    Every situation is different. The Panthers have been an awful team for awhile now. One offseason more than likely isn't going to be enough to turn things around yet. Everyone wants to win now. Everyone wants to see Bryce put up a bunch of yards and TDs. That just isn't us right now. We have to get the oline fixed first before we can do anything as an offense. We have no running game which is a young QBs best friend. We are giving up QB pressures at an alarming rate. People want to overlook these things and pile on our rookie QB as if these things are his fault when they aren't. And to top it off his WRs have been having trouble getting separation. The last 2 games have been better, but the first two games Young literally had nowhere to go with the ball in 1 out of 3 drop backs. That's incredibly bad and no QB is going to thrive in those situations.

    We are a very young football team. We have a ton of experience on this staff. They need more time to figure things out. Hopefully after the bye week we start looking more improved but I wouldn't expect it to happen over night

    • Pie 1
  15. 2 hours ago, Proudiddy said:

    I was an ardent Fitt guy...  after this offseason, I'm out.  Fire his ass...  I loved his connections and inroads to all the other FOs around the league and ability to find value trades, but trading DJ instead of Burns and drafting Bryce on top of the other umerous flubs (DJ Johnson, etc.) has put the nail in his coffin.  Then watching DJ go off tonight while Burns half-asses his way through the season because he thinks he should be paid like an elite, complete edge, when hes just a really solid to good pass rusher... Get him tf out of here.

    Writing off rookies 4 weeks into the season....sheesh. You guys are really losing your marbles around this place

  16. 4 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    I'm not talking about running, bro.

    You're clinging to hope that Bryce can throw deep and fit balls into tight windows. Where's the proof? I saw throws every single drive tonight that Bryce Young simply hasn't shown the ability to make. That's just the sad reality.

    He's played 3 games and has been under pressure at a historic rate and you want him to go out there and throw for 350 yards a game lol...its unrealistic expectations at this current point in time for our offense, but I know I'm just preaching to the choir at this point.

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