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Everything posted by BlackPanther22

  1. Joe Person in his Q&A on The Athletic said it's becoming "increasingly likely" that Bryce will be the pick. He also said that the Stroud buzz post-trade up largely came from people speculating that his size and Reich's history would give him the edge over Bryce. That on top of Mike Kaye putting out a video last week saying he had heard Bryce buzz building for the past few weeks.
  2. Let it go bro lol. If there had been reporting in the last few weeks still saying Stroud was a favorite then you’d have ground to stand on but it’s been nothing but Young for weeks now. National media has said it, Local guys have said it as recently as today….. Who am I kidding though you’ll just continue to do this up until the pick is announced Thursday lmao
  3. I’d like to keep Tremble too because honestly, I still think he can develop into a solid TE. Granted it’s year 3 so it’s put up or shut up for him but I believe lol. I agree that Ian is probably the odd man out too because with how deep this TE class is I can’t see them passing on one entirely.
  4. Honestly, there hasn’t been any credible reporting linking us to Stroud for weeks now so I’m not sure why it’s so surprising that he’s probably not the pick. Even Joe Person this morning admitted that much of the Stroud talk was rooted in the belief that his size would give him an edge because of Reich’s past. Mike Kaye admitted the same last week. Stroud will be a good QB for somebody but that somebody isn’t looking like us.
  5. If Lance is right, and I have no reason to doubt him given his ties to the Houston area, this is the most telling thing imo. The Texans allegedly not even trying to stay at 2 likely means they definitely don't think he'll be there because otherwise, if I were them, I'd just stay at 2 on the chance that Carolina doesn't pick Bryce.
  6. Both statements btw are completely valid to me. Though if I’m being honest, while I do think the durability thing is legit, I’d be just as concerned if we drafted a AR type because I honestly think injury comes down to play style just as much if not more than stature. We’ve seen it first hand with Cam who was a mountain of a man. Bryce is an outlier size wise for sure, but I just don’t think somebody will blow on him and he’ll be out for the year or something. Plus I’m sure they’ll continue to fortify the OL regardless of who the pick is and that’s important too.
  7. But also I feel like this assumes that Reich didn’t also like Bryce (if that’s the pick) in the first place. I feel like it’s entirely possible that he liked Bryce too despite his reservations about his size and that everyone still has some semblance of alignment on who the guy is. I think Peter King in another article like last week or the week before said he said heard that Reich was telling people he liked Bryce back in the fall. Idk though, just spitballing.
  8. This isn’t even your thread and you’re still spamming the same posts you do in every other one but okay lol
  9. …..Well it’s hard to ignore when you make like 5 threads a day with the same repeated information in each. Idc about Young or Stroud “stans”, I care about going in every thread and seeing the same like 6 posts from you every day.
  10. Dude….give it up man. I get liking one over the other but my God the lengths you’re going to just to “prove a point” is tedious and annoying.
  11. I don't read too much of the Observer either because of the paywall but I will say Mike Kaye has been a really good twitter follow lately. I think the video he posted the other day about the Bryce Young chatter was really informative and transparent, so I appreciated that. Well this isn't fully true at all. I've seen a clip of her talking about the Wilks situation and she didn't accuse Tepper of being racist, in fact she said that she didn't believe he was and praised the diverse panthers leadership group. She did however point out the difficulties there can be for black HC's. She's been super complimentary of the Panther's staff.
  12. I really like Sheena and I appreciate the work she and Vashti from Carolina Blitz do giving like twitter fans a forum to express themselves with the spaces and what not. I haven’t kept a record of what she’s gotten right and wrong but I know she was on it with the Watson stuff. I think the reporting around the team in general is a good spot right now honestly.
  13. Technically, the article said 1-2 weeks before the draft which is the window we’re in now but I get your overall point. I do feel like people are taking that super literally though. When you’re around somebody everyday you have a good idea of where they’re leaning even before you get confirmation, which is something Fitt said in the article too. To push back here: Thielen was already following Bryce before he signed, and he said on the Pat McAfee show that they wouldn’t tell him who they were picking. Which is something a lot of our recent signees have expressed.
  14. This is how I feel for the most part. Like yeah, I prefer Young but I’m cool with him or Stroud. AR is a bit of a tougher sell to me at 1 just because I feel like Young or Stroud allow us to compete immediately but if he works out the reward could be great.
  15. Ehhhhh I wouldn’t consider the Ohio State offense a pro style offense. There’s a reason people always talk about the offensive transition for Ohio State QB’s to the NFL. There’s probably NFL concepts in there but it’s not a true pro-style offense. Bama’s offense is probably closer considering it was called by a former NFL HC/Playcaller. And more teams in the league operate in shotgun now than they ever have before so I wouldn’t freak out too much about that.
  16. Idk about “always has been”. Even when we traded up no reporter could say with 100% certainty that we moved for Stroud. It was always worded as saying we liked a couple of guys or that people “believed” that Stroud was the guy. Stroud could very well be the pick and that’s fine, but as more time has passed it seems to me that people jumping on Stroud after the trade had more to do with the belief of what Reich’s prototypical QB is vs people being 100% certain that he’s the guy.
  17. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that they seem really committed to seeing the process through, even if they have leanings or an idea of who the favorite is. It’s smart to me from a logical standpoint but I get how as a fan it could seem annoying with all the reports floating around now.
  18. Ryan Wilson seems like a cool dude on the podcast he has with Rick Spielman but man I swear every year he has the most outlandish mock drafts that comes out for that cycle. Not even specifically for the Panthers but in general. When one of his mocks come across my TL I always wonder bout the decision making he goes through to get to the choices he does lol
  19. Not really, the most substantial things she said to me were: 1. That Fitt apparently already has his guy locked in and that Reich is torn (if I had to guess it’s between Bryce and AR) 2. That the S2 test is weighted in the QB decision but they care more if the score matches the decision making and processing on tape.
  20. If I could push back on a couple things you said: 1. We don’t know for sure that people in the building haven’t sat down and talked about their preferences or leanings. Scott in the article said 1-2 weeks before the draft, which is the window we’re in now so it’s not impossible that they have talked about who they like and are using visits to confirm stuff. We’re you’re in a collective process like they are, everyone probably have an idea of where folks are leaning this late into the process. 2. When Lance Zerlein made the comment about Reich and young he didn’t source it from somebody in the Panthers building. He just said an “NFC GM” so for all we know that person could’ve been just guessing based on Reich’s past just like a lot of folks were when CJ was leading the hype train. I just think when both National and Local media are converging on a topic, there’s gotta be something there. Of course anything can change but I’m just not buying that legit almost every reputable source out there are all getting bamboozled by a ‘smokescreen’. I could be wrong though.
  21. But how do you know his front office role is strictly limited to salary cap stuff though? A lot of people do things beyond their initial job description in a work place. Plus I mean the dude was a player and wants a job as a GM one day, it’s not crazy that he’s involved in scouting lol
  22. Again, the Stroud talk was speculation based on the timing of the trade, Reich’s history and people looking too deep into McCown’s Underdog videos. Even people like Joe Person never really concretely said the trade was for Stroud, just that there were people in the NFL that believed that’s what it was. Hell, even Mike Kaye yesterday admitted that the reason he was consistently mocking Stroud to us wasn’t because it was sourced info but because he was basing it off of Reich’s history. And with the stuff leaking about how high Tepper values the S2 thing and how bad Stroud allegedly did on it, I wouldn’t be surprised if AR is QB2 for us behind Bryce.
  23. Smokescreen is the most overused and overblown word during draft season. Sure everything might not be true but my god everything isn’t a smokescreen either lol.
  24. While I feel like Tepper probably shouldn’t just override anybody, he was always gonna be heavily involved in this decision because the QB is gonna be the face of his team. That, and the fact that the last coach he hired made poor QB decisions (which is his fault for hiring him but still). That said though, I do believe the final call should and will come down to Fitt and Reich. I’m kinda just ready for draft day to be here already so all this speculation can end lol
  25. https://twitter.com/mike_e_kaye/status/1646308726821773314?s=20 Add Mike Kaye to the list of people reporting that Bryce has made headway/may be in the lead inside the Panthers building. With the local people now coming out and stating stuff too I really don't think it's that much of a smokescreen tbh. Very insightful video from him on his Instagram too.
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