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  1. Their broadcast teams on the ESPN+ streams are AWFUL. Then again, most of their broadcast teams are trash anyway.
  2. Na, I just don't care for that guy. Never have. That's saying something for this place.
  3. Not sure that's what I stated, but he is a consistent goal scorer. WTF does him going past the second round have to do with anything? Are you high this morning?
  4. A friend of mine told me they let you pick and chose on the ESPN App and it sucks. There is a ton of lag, and it's never consistent like YTTV. I think it's a rights thing when it comes to the local channels, that's why they don't let you do much besides 4 games they pick.
  5. Necas was in a contract year a year ago and had one of his worst years. That's how we got him on a 2 year deal for damn near nothing.
  6. I wanted them to make the trade for Marner in the offseason. That was the rumor and it didn't happen. Thinking these guys take another step is what I've thought they would do for a while. They haven't. Necas took a step last year, but he still sucked in the Playoffs. Don't get me started on Svech. That man went 20 full games last year without scoring a goal before he tore his ACL. It's past time he became a superstar. Again. The past 4 years have shown us, unless you have that go to guy scoring, you're not going to go far in the Offs. This team has been the number 1 defensive team for a while now, and what has that got us? It's past time to try to find that go to guy scoring and we STILL do not have that on the team. 2nd round exit is my prediction. But hey, we're going to defend the hell out of that puck. LOL.
  7. Lol. Congrats on being relevant again.
  8. They don't let you pick if it's on ABC, CBS, or Fox it's either 1 screen or 4, and no in between. If the games on the other sports channels, you'll have an option of 2 screens, 3 screens or 4 screens usually. You don't get to pick it but they mix and match so much it's hard not to find at least 3 games you care about.
  9. YTTV allows you to play 4 games at once on your screen now. It's worth it in my book.
  10. High of 70 here in the Triangle. Perfect weather for a game today.
  11. Langway must've gotten paid or been a big The Golden Calf of Bristol fan to be this loyal in 2023.
  12. Underrated game for the day is Rutgers vs Wisconsin.
  13. It's at Georgia so I think Georgia beats them badly. I just can't trust Kentucky.
  14. I think he'll flip if you guys continue to falter. That's one dude you guys need now.
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