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Everything posted by DamnItJake!

  1. woahhh.. ok.. was not expecting that..dope is legal there..
  2. crap.. well didn't expect him to make it to us.. there u go!
  3. Coors light if u pussies don't like Bud Light!!
  4. Lmao.. just saw the image.. I will take the red clam ... I mean Dos Equis!!!
  5. Not exactly a local brew or not cheap...but I love San Miguel from the Philippines!! Usually its Bud Light as I can't afford the British beers now I am back in the US.. i.e Carlsberg, Guinness, etc and all other delicious European beers!!
  6. April fools the Huddle App works great now!!.. hate it now can't scroll without an ad opening up regardless on my browser..whoever is modifying the app sucks at what they do..about to remove it..
  7. I totally agree with D-Lo has been a class-A player for us..over the years it took a little bit to get his motor going but I found he always was better when D-Stewart was on the field to give him a break..not sure where the bitterness is besides classless fans.. as u said he was released as business deal not being a piece of crap.. he after Smith Should retire as a Panther.. always loved D-Lo even though I am sure I cursed his name as well on many given Sundays!!
  8. I need pie since UNC blew a knob with a 24 to 4 run.. Or some crap!! Pie me!!
  9. burn NO down the team that is.. the city is already a cess pool..so hard to burn...but I do like their gumbo
  10. Carolina will be fine without Hardy!! Let the dead horse lie.. Can this be the last damn Hardy thread.. He fug'd up.. the defense was fine without him..its the offense that needed help!! Gee's.. ..I hate the guy now cause of all the damn threads..He is not coming back to Carolina like Peppers, Smith, Gamble, Delhomme, Weinke (coaching St louis).. and probably not Ginn.. why are people concentrated on re-treads?? if the head wasn't great the first time... probably won't be better the next time!! Move on!!
  11. so who are the finalist..??too many post...need a sticky within the sticky..thinkin Monsta.. if he is still in
  12. I like sausage..hey look at Cleveland..are they outside the real sports world?? the pick the worst troubled players in hopes they can turn them around...manzie/Jordan and Manny to me was not that impressive in college .. and now..hehe well...Cleveland still suxs member when they were good with Elway And Kosar battling..
  13. well that failed.. I think wilson got the deflated ball..and threw it 3ft ahead of his reciever
  14. lmao..u said Dilfer.. that guy sux dick!! Sucked as a QB and sucks as an announcer..so annoying as he acts like he knows what he's talking about... can u sense may dislike for Dilfer.. he suxs.. still!!!! Oh yeah and he played for TB and they spread disease!
  15. I agree..trying to pad the potential 22 mil year deal.u got Shula'd..stupid asses.. I found myself pretty pissed. about the play as I wanted Seattle to represent the NFC...but now u know Seattle how it feels to get Shula'd..sorry Hawk!
  16. damn it I want Seattle to blow this poo up..Represent the NFC!!
  17. We'll that went well.. Sent from my iPhone using CarolinaHuddle
  18. Poor Blanchard he stunk it up like a practice qb should... We'll the rest of them just sucked!! Sent from my iPhone using CarolinaHuddle
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