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Everything posted by DamnItJake!

  1. He as time for a few plays!! Not impressed!! I am convinced he can’t see the field completely.. which was a concern.. it’s a shitsandwich
  2. We only had 5 teams asking about him before the trade
  3. So seeing Bryce can’t handle things at the NFL level.. to me it’s his physical limitations effecting his play.. he has heart!! So how do u build the team bring offensive pieced in!? We are in a conundrum!! I am not feeling Bryce or our coaches
  4. Bruh!! Sorry Bryce is not it!! I can’t watch his shitty dinks and dunks for years!!
  5. Panthers motto bring guys in to never play them!! But ball out somewhere else!!
  6. Bozeman has checked out.. they posted positive all the time on Twitter or X now… seams to be a theme lately
  7. I agree play like you care!! Be positive get the right core! It’s frustrating!! But good points!
  8. What do expect we suck!! I am a 50/50.. 50 I want us to win.. the other 50 I got Dj Moore on my Fantasy team.. get me points!! I am diehard since 1995 converted from the Cowgirls since we finally got at a team!! But I experienced a few SuperBowl wins with Aikman!!but funny Dallas hasn’t won since!!
  9. I wasn’t a Young fan but fell into the well I hope they chose the right guy and be a loyal fan! But yeah bad Cam 5x better
  10. Short guy = higher angle throws = missed catches by receivers = fug u Tepper! Stroud should have been the guy!
  11. Seams like Brown is allowing him to scramble more now
  12. C’mon Minny Mouse!! Let’s score some points
  13. Let’s see Bryce blow up on Icky tonight when he misses a tackle!! Maybe he should hit Icky in the nuts with Football like Burt Reynolds’s did!!
  14. Go Cubs!! Oh wait!! I mean Panthers!! I am down but still supporting!! Hell endured Clausen/Pike!! What the hell!!
  15. Bumped!! People wondering about Game day thread!
  16. I agree.. I am already numb the season is done!! Do I really care if Bryce improves?? Meh!! I have zero confidence in this coaching staff!! This season is a wash!! Part of me wants us to get embarrassed so people get fired!! But I want the win too since it’s on National TV!! Just numb and ready for change Again!!
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