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Status Updates posted by Ohio

  1. Again with the "incapable of debate" thing... I would PAY you to debate Mr Scot... seriously, anytime, anywhere. That would be awesome. I have to deal with people who don't even know what they said...And you guys think I'm the dumb one...

  2. Bonds fan huh, I guess that makes 2 of us. You might not be so bad after all lol

  3. Couldnt be more ready!

  4. Glad to know Im not the only fan from Ohio

  5. I haven't gotten a logical response back on why we should not tax the rich more, why Ronald Reagan was not the president republicans say he was, why the tea party is basically one big joke, and cut defense spending. And the name calling starts with meat jangler, I give it back.

  6. So to say he possibly couldn't get 30 mill would make you look dumb, if in fact he could get it. Yeah the CBA will probably take away the 40-50 mill, but 30 mill is not that much when you compare it to Bradfords contract. I never wanted Clausen, but I'm not dumping him after 1 year, like 99% of the huddle

  7. Thanks for the rep, Buckeyes stick together

  8. When did you ever stop?

  9. Worked out great, because as far as everyone knows, nothing is guaranteed. You act like it's a done deal and you know the maximum contracts when in reality you dont know what they could be...

  10. You think we beat Michigan enough to get RRod fired?

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