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Everything posted by Wanderlai

  1. Oh I hope we don’t have to go for a game winning fg
  2. This offense is pathetic without CMC. I get the oline is trash but it is 100% better with him on the field.
  3. finally having a GM that realizes the answer is not on the team
  4. Sure is nice to have cap space isn’t it? We were used to having the credit cards maxed out and not being able to afford $1 McDouble lol
  5. The girl is quality and I get the temptation but dang to do it in a bar....he was asking for it lol. Has that girl said anything?
  6. Sounds great on paper. I hope the Jags are that dumb and there isn’t something else going on. I liked Arnold but he was expendable given the CB need.
  7. Crazy fg. Hit the bar and bounced over it.
  8. Sure they may all turn out ok....but...given what we have seen they have a long ass way to go. Top picks going to perineal bad teams is a curse for those guys.
  9. The QB class looks awful. Looks like we dodged a bullet plus Sam is playing pretty darn good.
  10. 3-0 sure was nice. Oh well...realty check will be harsh. We beat two bottom feeders and a sketchy Saints with COVID issues. Dallas will be be a true litmus test.
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