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  1. It was only a few weeks ago it was “we are going to lose the locker room” lol
  2. 1st game of the season I’ve not watched a snap of.
  3. We actually have an exciting young team…hopefully the injury bug stays away this year so they can develop together.
  4. Dak can’t get it done on a team that is vastly better than the Panthers so no. Take the rookie and build it up
  5. It’s the same thing with Darnold, Baker, and now Dalton. Ok enough to get you to the playoffs on a good team then flame out. We screwed the pooch, swung for the fences with Bryce, and went years in reverse because they can’t identify talent. That’s what bottom feeders do.
  6. Reduced to pulling for a Giants win
  7. I’m afraid I got some bad news for you….we are stuck with him for at least another 20 years
  8. Bills and Bengals…dumbasses
  9. Bengals crazy if they don’t pay Chase…goodness
  10. Tepper effect. Enjoy the David Pumpkins concert
  11. Journeyman for a reason. 1 game here and there looks good, everything else balls. No saving this franchise. That’s what I worried about putting Dalton in. He can win 2-3 games…just enough to fug over draft position. Lord knows this team needs all the picks and position they can get.
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