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  1. @musicman thanks for the answers and insights, and feel free to keep telling stories For anyone who thinks "oh, nobody wants to hear about boring work stuff" -- it can be super fascinating to those of us who are interested in the production world of how things come together behind the scenes Flying back from the Munich game, spent some time chatting with THE guy in charge of the NFL-provided video boards at Allianz (and after that, at major music festivals and conferences and things like the Grammys). Allianz didn't have video to the level of what the NFL wants, so they had to bring in temporary signage. Nifty things you learn along the way
  2. How planned out is music on game day? How many clips/songs are in the library? Any rules about songs you're told not to play (ie 3 blind mice during instant replay reviews?) Did you have the ability to be impromptu with song choices to fit a specific unexpected game situation? (Thinking how a baseball stadium organist might change things up based on the game play) What are the music playback rules with regards to when to hit play or pause a song during a game? Ever have a "whoops" moment (ie playing an inappropriate song immediately after a player injury) How integrated are you with TV production vs stadium production and how is that handled?
  3. If you are located within the Panthers local viewing area, then you're going to need a solution that covers local TV stations to watch the team. Sunday Ticket will be blacked out for local markets, so that won't do you any good I've used the Paramount+ app to watch Panthers on CBS, the Peacock app to watch SNF, and have tried to use the FOX app to watch games on FOX. Note that Peacock is doing a $30 for the year deal right now (not avail for current subscribers, use code WINTERSAVINGS). ABC/ESPN are a bit funkier, so deal with them later From a cost-effective perspective, Peacock for $30/year is dirt cheap. I don't think you'd want to pay for a year of Paramount+ unless there's other value there -- go month-to-month.
  4. @musicman Since you're here, can you tell us some more about the process of picking stadium music and choosing when to play it and other technical details? Looking for the overall production behind-the-curtains stuff. Like... do all the different stadium music teams get together to discuss what songs are the next big thing? Which teams get exclusive music for touchdowns (Boom Boom has been ours, for example)? How do you do sound checks to ensure fans can actually hear the audio? Do you have a set schedule of songs for every game of the season in advance...?
  5. Chicken wings going onto the Weber with a Vortex and some applewood chunks later this afternoon
  6. Watch the Vice TV series DARK SIDE OF REALITY TV for examples of how "franken-edits" can take things out of context and make a storyline out of it
  7. love the passion of posting Twitter links in a timely manner as they're found Can you at least post context of what each link is so those who are unable to use Twitter due to device/network restrictions (or have chosen not to use Twitter for whatever reason) know what the post is about?
  8. THIS Definitely a 180 of a player's perspective when compared to Greg Olsen (and others) who left immediately after Coach Cornball showed up without exactly saying why
  9. Explains a lot of what appears to be going on during Cam's stint on the Special Forces show: during a team activity, Cam purposefully performs an action towards a fellow teammate (also a former NFL player) that could be taken as inappropriate or even dangerous by the Staff if they had seen it was done purposefully. Afterwards, Cam said "that was for all the times your team beat Carolina". Implies that in a team activity, Cam is still thinking about himself during an individual activity, Cam doesn't do the required exercises when not being observed directly by the Staff. Implies that cutting corners or directions given to the team could be ignored for personal benefit (it wasn't - resulted in a team punishment) There's lots of positives of Cam during the show, too. So this definitely shouldn't be considered a knock on him. That stuff looked tough for everyone involved - kudos for all of them for even saying "yes" in the first place, 'cause everyone looked miserable. Except Carey Hart (aka Mr P!nk). He looked like he was having a blast throughout the whole thing But taking specific examples out of context of what those celebs were put through -- one could draw comparisons to SB50 (or even expand into why we lost that final game in Atlanta to miss a "perfect season") to that comment about MVP being more valuable to Cam than the team win would have been
  10. For those who have Twitter access blocked when viewing on a work network, what's the gist of the twitter posts?
  11. Source: https://miketanier.substack.com/p/eli-manning-and-the-pro-football Article talks about what the voting process is for the HoF, and focuses a smidge on why Eli won't necessarily make it in as a first ballot nominee.
  12. Bills fans away from the game are super super nice. Its the tailgating table thing that's weird
  13. Maroon 5 at the height of their career, having finished 2018 as the most played act on radio Using that logic this years halftime show should be SZA, Doja Cat, Morgan Wallen, Luke Combs, Post Malone, or Teddy Swims
  14. Its before kickoff, and the refs have already called the Bills for roughing the QB
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