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  1. Compared to last year where Bryce was a sack victim every play, he has improved tremendously in terms of getting the ball out/away and other awareness There's room for improvement (last weeks clock penalties were horrible ), but he showed some good awareness on the line vs before
  2. I picked CAR in this week's office football pool, what a great time for that pick
  3. He needs a better off-season routine than "unplug from football, play games, go shopping"
  4. in more than one game, the scripted opening drive shows promise of what the coaching and team can do It's after that where the wheels kinda fall off
  5. Was thinking similar that our issues today don't appear to be as much in bryces shoulders as we saw last year
  6. her concert behind-the-scenes documentary is pretty interesting, if you're into behind-the-scenes concert footage stuff
  7. Of all the problems we have on the field, Canales isn't the issue (as of right now) He's not the one throwing interceptions or missing routes/catches/tackles
  8. Musical guest on SNL a few weeks ago. Testified in front of Congress a few months back on the topic of fentaynl
  9. maybe others know better - but it seems he's been pretty quiet about football stuff since Dan & Dave took over.
  10. you wouldn't want to be the test legal case in that world right now
  11. Who should we take in the CAR v WAS game next week, straight up? Honestly, it could go either way, but would love to get another W if WAS is bad
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