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Posts posted by Chaos

  1. A squad that looked to have lots of potential in Utah fell apart pretty fast.  You either get to the top or you tear it down.  Or you become the Hornets/Panthers and thrive in no-man's land mediocrity for eternity.

    • Beer 2
  2. 2 hours ago, RJK said:

    I wouldn't do it for free and i'm def not interested for $350. It sounds like it's just something for "clients" anyway at this point.

    To hell with clients and business sales, a chance to see the players arrive should be enjoyed by kids.  Tep will keep fleecing this city for every nickel and dime to get what he wants until there aren't any left, then he'll pull up the stakes and look for more money elsewhere. 

    • Pie 1
  3. 1 hour ago, DaveThePanther2008 said:

    Was a perfect actor for that roll.  Of course the great Jackie Gleason made it even funnier.  "Sum Bitch"

    "Now, don't go home...don't go to eat...and don't play with ya selves"

    "Gimme a diablo sammich and a Dr. Pepper and make it quick 'cause I'm in a gotdamn hurry!"

    • Pie 1
  4. Why the fug did she share this interaction in the first place?  For clicks?  As others said, if players started openly telling the media to fug off it would be completely justified.

    This M.O. of drop a twitter grenade, stir up a poo storm, then come back to clarify/apologize, whatever, is horseshit.

  5. I'm not saying that any injury is EVER good, but like some thought last week that Corral getting hurt was a chess move in Rhule's favor, I think Fitt just got his piece to move tonight.  Still, here we are with Baker and PJ, who just about everyone thought was as good as gone.  NFL means Not For Long.

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