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Everything posted by Anybodyhome

  1. Sure, why not? Don't have any backup QBs and no kicker, so why not trade for a WR? The Panther way.....
  2. Sure, why not? Don't have any backup QBs and no kicker, so why not trade for a WR? The Panther way.....
  3. Northern Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. I guess if they're okay with an 80MPH speed limit, they must be confident in their roads. And they're far more susceptible to extreme temp changes, frost heaves, etc.
  4. Not sure he'll ever "get fugged" in a divorce, given the fact his wife has a much higher net worth and banks a poo ton more from her job than he does.
  5. We can only hope that because this is an "honors" level class that scholarships will be paying for this. While we're on the subject of student loan forgiveness, if a student borrows money to pay for a class like this, they should be forced to pay it back.
  6. That being said, all of the toilet bowl logo merch is on sale at Fanatics.com
  7. He's the guy who finishes his transaction, then sits there to put the cash in his wallet, put his wallet back in his pocket, check the receipt, find his sunglasses, check his hair in the mirror and finally decide to drive away, completely oblivious to the line of cars behind him.
  8. I enjoyed watching Watson lead Clemson to the Championship, beating Alabama and crushing Ohio State in the Fiesta Bowl semi-final in 2016. He's really "matured" into an entitled POS in a few, short years.
  9. Thanks. Yeah, it's not like I'm sitting around trying to think of things to keep me busy. I feel like I have more going on right now than when I was working full time. Maybe instead of labeling myself as retired, I should call it, "my terms- my time."
  10. Saw this on NHL Tonight this afternoon: Svech-Aho-Jarvis Necas-Kotkaniemi-Turbo Fast-Staal-Kase Noesen-Drury-Martinook
  11. A 33-year old recovering from an Achilles is a lot dicier than a 24-year-old... I don't like this at all.
  12. It would take a poo-ton of cap work to get Kane. As much as I like the guy, I'm not sure how much he's coming off the $10.5M he made last season, regardless how much Chicago is willing to absorb.
  13. I'm already busier and more active now, and feel a whole lot healthier and happier. You'd be surprised. As soon as it became public I was retiring, I was approached by several people wanting me to come and do some things with them- I already have a volunteer gig with the VA and DAV driving disabled vets to the VA for their appointments. That's typically one full day a week.
  14. About 54 years ago I started mowing lawns for a couple bucks, then went to work full time when I turned 16. A short time later I was in the Navy and retired in 1993 after 20 years. Another 17 years in the private sector and my second retirement in 2011. I went back to work yet again and the last 8 years I've worked in the public sector for a municipality. I turned 66 in February and, although my wife is considerably younger and I had in my mind I'd work until I was 70, the reality is I wasn't enjoying the work anymore. We're set financially and we decided I can do what I want on my terms and my time. We've got an offer on our place in Mexico and decided we can travel whenever we want, wherever we want and rent whatever we want. We'll keep our current home as the starting place for all our upcoming adventures. I've got an idea for my own gig and will have that plan in place by late winter, and I'll work on that until the wife retires.
  15. I was gonna say, you're probably ripped as hell... and tired as fug!
  16. So, you were basically walking and working out almost 12 hours a day?
  17. There is no cap space to make any move. The only way to so would be to try to get something in return for Necas and Jake Gardiner.
  18. Attempting to compare NFL suspensions based on the actions of a player will do nothing but frustrate those who think there's any rhyme or reason to any of this. Let's not forget this is a business that makes the vast majority of its money from broadcast contracts, and the companies behind those broadcast contracts have a lot more power than you think. Don't forget, the PSLs are paid for, the capacity attendance will be announced week after week, regardless of what you see on TV, and the NFL will continue to report record revenues. 24 women, a few felony convictions, DUIs, PEDs.... none of that will stop, or even slow down, the money-making monster that is the NFL.
  19. Poturalski impressed me in the playoffs. He seemed to come up with the clutch goals when they were needed. 101 points during the season and another 23 in the playoffs..... would have liked to keep him. And he didn't get a whole lot more from Seattle than what the Canes paid him....
  20. Jake & Necas on the move? This is a prove yourself contract.
  21. Would take a helluva moved- he's under contract at $10.5M. The Canes would have to give up the farm for a 33-year old winger. Sure, he's a scorer, and he's averaging 70+ points a season over the last 5, but is he really worth it?
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