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  • Birthday 02/24/1956

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  1. Who went into court and actually argued this from a true, legal position? There isn't a farm out there (Perdue, Smithfield, Tyson, Sanderson) who has ever claimed boneless wings are actually wings. Matter of fact, most all of them have openly admitted boneless wings are, in fact, oversized nuggets made from white and dark meat from breasts, thighs and other leftover parts.
  2. Rumor mill today has the Canes possibly offering $6M AAV to Necas before arbitration.
  3. Martin Necas's arbitration hearing is scheduled for August 4, the last day of the arbitration window.
  4. Only way I see that happening is the Canes buying out his KHL contract. And I think the league has to approve that and it comes out of the team's cap space. I could be totally wrong, but I think that's how it works.
  5. From l to r: Kochetkov, Svech, Nike and Orlov.
  6. https://www.sportsnet.ca/nhl/article/jack-drury-hurricanes-avoid-arbitration-with-two-year-deal/ If the Canes had any real belief he was going to be anything better than a third or 4th line guy, he would have gotten a minimum 4-5 years. This is basically a "Show us what you got, because right now, we're not feeling it," deal. He took this deal instead of arbitration, which also says a lot. I'd bet money he wanted twice what his AAV is now, like $3.5M AAV.
  7. Wish you'd post links. This has TDL move all over it. Not a deal that says, "Hey, this kid is gonna be special."
  8. He was placed on unconditional waivers by the team for the purpose of terminating his contract, which I detailed at length in the Necas thread earlier today. A mutual parting of ways. But, yeah, okay Nostradomus.
  9. The Canes have to agree to terminate his contract. The player cannot unilaterally "cancel" his own contract. A mutual parting of ways. If the NHLPA does not file a grievance, which would be unlikely in this case, the Canes gain whatever cap space his salary creates. Contract terminations are fairly rare, although there have been some in recent years where teams have been the initiating party and there were mitigating circumstances with the player (Corey Perry, Evander Kane). Both of these resulted in NHLPA grievances and were player conduct related.
  10. Show me a link he's gone. I'll just wait for the Canes to announce it.
  11. It appears the demise of Evgeny Kuznetsov and his departure from the NHL may be a little premature: https://www.sportskeeda.com/us/nhl/news-evgeny-kuznetsov-s-agent-clears-air-forward-s-rumored-nhl-departure "Everything is possible in this life, but it is too early to talk about Evgeny Kuznetsov's return to Russia," Babayev said. "It is not even clear why this information arose, because he has a contract with Carolina for another year. But there was an appeal from SKA. They called and said that if Evgeny were to return, they were ready to talk. But the appeal was not only from SKA, but also from other teams. https://www.si.com/onsi/breakaway/news-feed-page/posts/agent-shuts-down-rumors-carolina-hurricanes-evgeni-kuznetsov It didn’t take long for reports that Carolina Hurricanes forward Evgeny Kuznetsov was leaving the NHL for the KHL to take a turn. Championat.com first reported that Kuznetsov was signing a four-year deal with SKA St. Petersburg despite still being under contract with the Hurricanes for another year. Kuznetsov’s agent agent made a statement regarding the situation. In tweets from Hockey News Hub, Shumi Babaev spoke with Championat correspondent Vladislav Kruglov. Babaev stated that it’s too early to talk about Kuznetsov possibly returning to Russia. “It’s not even clear why this news arose because he has a contract in Carolina for another year,” Babaev said. “But there was an appeal from SKA.” It seems like at the moment, Kuznetsov is staying with the Hurricanes, but SKA has approached the player with an offer. Babaev also says SKA wasn’t the only team to be in touch. “They called and said if Evgeny were to return to, they were ready to talk,” Babaev said. “The appeal was not only from SKA, but also from other teams.” Babaev noted that Kuznetsov is primarily focused on working and playing in the NHL. A KHL return may come eventually, but nothing can be made certain at the moment. With a contract in place through the 2024-25 season, it seems unlikely that Kuznetsov will leave for Russia. Before being drafted by the Washington Capitals in 2010, Kuznetsov played five seasons with Chelyabinsk Traktor of the KHL. Kuznetsov is a native of Chelyabinsk and scored 167 points in 251 games. Over his 743-game NHL career, Kuznetsov has scored 173 goals and 402 assists for 575 total points. He was a huge part of the Capitals team that won the franchise’s first Stanley Cup in 2018. He led the postseason with 32 points in 24 games that year.
  12. Puckpedia says we're sitting at $11.68M right now. But that's not showing the Kuznetsov loss yet, because, apparently, the Canes have not yet terminated his contract or it hasn't been signed off on at the league level.
  13. Hoping for the best with him. He's been through some tough times and I hope he finds himself in a place he wants to be, and around people who want to be with him. We were only fortunate enough to see just a glimpse of what he's capable of as a hockey player. The emotion and fire he brings to the ice is a likely contributor to his issues, but here's to his health and well-being.
  14. You obviously did not see the Brady Roast on Netflix
  15. Arbitration dates run from July 20 - Aug 4. Arbitration can be avoided by either a deal being struck with the team owning his rights or a trade.
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