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Everything posted by Anybodyhome

  1. Carolina is now pitted against Washington in the 1st round.
  2. No winners from the road shutout in Montreal. Staal with the shorty. See you guys Thursday!
  3. He may play the waiting game just to see who stays and who goes after the season. It's a numbers game for him. His place on the roster is completely dependent on who stays and who goes. If Pesce does not come back, then Morrow may be next man up?
  4. March: 10-3-1 with 3 b-2-b weekends (2 Sat & Sun, 1 Fri & Sat) and no more than 1 day off between games. That's a fairly stout test of your endurance for an entire month. The boys will be ready for a few days off after tonight.
  5. For Montreal Saturday night: Anybodyhome- 8 Harbingers- 5 CarolinaWillRise- 5 DavidEng- 5 WelshPanther- 4 Panthers Fan 69- 4 DamnitJake!- 2 MillionDollarCam- 1 panthers81- 1 ------------------------------------------- Who's going with Guentzel tonight? He rang the posts 2 or 3 times the other night facing Detroit and probably would have scored on the PP with that pass from Svech on the right wing. Guentzel had found a soft spot in the middle of the ice no more than 20 feet out, but he was on his off side, so had to wheel and shoot versus taking the 1-timer from #37. I don't know how these lines are going to look tonite, but I'm going Necas.
  6. I, personally, don't think there's a team out there who the Canes can't beat 4 of 7 games. That is, as long as all things are equal, including the refs.
  7. No, we're just smart enough to know that spending weeks/months at a time underwater in a pressurized trash can probably isn't a wise choice. My father was a diesel boat radarman from 1950-1954. My brother was a nuke electrician on a fast attack. Me? I'm 6'6" and know way better than even think about it. I did get a real nice guided tour of the USS Ohio back in the day, though.
  8. I said the same thing. Freddie 1 Jarvy 2 Aho 3
  9. That fugging jerk-off in the red jacket on the right is still around? Haven't seen him all season. Rather just punch him in the face...
  10. Guentzel took one in the mouth on open ice in plain view and it sent him to the ice- no call.
  11. None of those goals were high glove.
  12. Kuz and Guentz may not be scoring, but man, are they making plays.
  13. Yeah, Freddie. Sorry, he just looked like Kooch sitting on the ice.
  14. Canes heavily favored tonite- saw a -275 earlier today. Speaking of odds, what's the over/under on just plain bad calls by the refs?
  15. Know what? Because the blue line has had the only hot hands of late, I'm going with Brent Burns.
  16. Will the Canes make yet another former teammate goalie look like an all-star?
  17. Cap's Ethan Bear has entered the NHL Player Assistance Program. https://www.thescore.com/nhl/news/2878416/capitals-bear-enters-player-assistance-program Let's hope all is well with Ethan and wish him the best going forward- whichever direction that may be, with or without hockey. If you have the opportunity, watch his story: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt26447461/
  18. Canes have given up 14 goals in their last 4 games while the top line scoring has dried up. Blue line scoring is not going to win games.
  19. Most marine steering and rudder systems are hydraulic. The helm (steering wheel) on newer ships is wired, but hydraulics actually move the rudder, which are typically powered by the propulsion plant. I believe the engine is an electric diesel, so I'm fairly certain the propulsion plant powered the steering rather than the generator. And there is a thing called "steerage way," the minimum speed through the water necessary to put enough pressure on the rudder to turn the ship. The Iowa, eh? I spent some time at the War College with the CMC and I was involved in the JAG investigation of the turret explosion for a short period of time. Wiki says her gross and net tonnage are 91k and 52k, with a deadweight of about 120k tons.
  20. No power, no electricity, no hydraulics, no steam, no propulsion, nothing. They couldn't have warned anyone if they wanted. Their marine band radio should have battery backup and they may have called MAYDAY, but I haven't heard anything of that nature yet. Also, the pilot carries a handheld marine band radio.
  21. Having spent 17 of my 20 years in the Navy at sea, let me tell you that losing power is one of those things that will send your blood cold. You lose power, you've lost everything and you're at the mercy of the water around you at that point. While watching the webcam feed replay on YouTube, the ship lost power once, got it back and attempted to maneuver, but that ship has a single engine and starting a ship's engine is not like starting a car- it takes time. It loses power a second time- you can see the lights go out again- just before impact with the concrete piling. And don't underestimate the size of that ship, it is enormous at nearly 980' and over 90,000 tons loaded.
  22. We've had a pure bred black lab, Frankie, who we had from 6 weeks to 14 years. No kids involved, but she got wilderness trail time every day to the tune of 3-4 miles. She also had free use of our in-ground pool during the season and she was nowhere close to being hyper. I think it was because she got all the exercise she wanted and also had the calmness of 2 adults as her family. We have 2 now who are mixed, but have lab in them and neither of them were that destructive at a young age. But, again, no kids around and they both get the same trail exercise Mon-Fri and the local dog park on Sat & Sun where they have a usual crew of 8-10 regulars they run and play with for 3-4 hours. Bottom line- make sure they get the exercise they need and their demeanor is a direct reflection of their owner(s) and family.
  23. Well, there are 25 guys on an active MLB roster....
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