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Pejorative Miscreant

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Posts posted by Pejorative Miscreant

  1. Just now, LinvilleGorge said:

    Unpinning. The offer was made and it's unwanted so stop complaining.

    I appreciate the effort. In the spirit of said effort I would just like to say that I haven’t given up on BY and do want to be patient. Even though the team lost the two q1 scoring drives were encouraging in terms of BY getting better.  

    I would be remiss in not mentioning the unsung hero of those drives, Miles Sanders.  His contribution or lack thereof is greatly appreciated and I hope to see more of the same in the upcoming weeks. 

    See. Nothing but positive. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Listen y'all, I just wanna give you fair warning. Zod is on the war path and the folks who do nothing but bash other posters for not being eternally hopeful and the site because we don't censor all dissent while pretending everything is fine with the team are getting clipped. Don't say you weren't warned.

    This is no big deal because there can only be one or two left at this point....


    All seriousness. I appreciate mods, Im sure in troubling times you have your hands fuller than normal.  I think folks are out of control on both sides of this.  Despite that, I love the Huddle dammit!


    • Pie 2
  3. I struggle with the broad concept of tanking. The belief that you think a group of coaches and players, whose livelihood depends on performance, will collectively lose on purpose is irrational to me.  That said I cringed when people rant about coaches trying to win “meaningless” games. Games are not meaningless to guys that depend on the paycheck. 

    However, an organization trading away assets and talent for future draft capital is different.  The FO and owner doing this and fielding a less competitive team in hopes of restocking the cupboard  makes more sense than the former.  I can wrap my head around  this approach a lot more easily.  


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  4. 1 hour ago, OldhamA said:

    Sounds very much like something a 20-something Steve Smith would say when faced with criticism...


    I think you are right, however a 20 something Steve Smith worked his ass off and made a name for himself.  A 20 something Smith would have also made it a point publicly humiliated said announcer and backed it up with good play.  Jeudy is none of those things.  This is an "ice up son" moment from the commentators booth.  

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  5. It is a known fact that Tepper is an engaged owner which I think is good but I think there is a lot of anecdotal evidence that suggests Tepper meddles and I am inclined to believe this happens.  This is a bad thing. The one positive takeaway about Tepper (I know its Huddle blasphemy to mention positive and Tepper in the same sentence but hear me out) is that he wants to win and demonstrated that by opening his checkbooks and taking big swings.

    The problem is he also seems to be the guy in charge no matter what and as a result is constantly shooting himself and the team in the nuts and all the checks he's written and all the big swings have been in vain.  For this team to become successful in his lifetime he either needs to learn everything there is to know about football super fast, or take himself out of the equation and defer these decisions while still holding his personnel accountable.  I believe the latter is the much easier and quicker road.

    All that being said, I still think BY can be successful but the coaches gotta fix a lot of stuff.  Tepper is pouring Ketchup on his steak while the plays are being called he isn't running the football or routes.  This might be a shiittty team because of Tepper but they should be able to execute at a marginally higher level and they are not.

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  6. I think the verdict is still out on Bryce and I dont think I can make a clear "judgement" until some of the stuff around him is cleaned up.  Not saying he should have perfection but the offense, play calling and scripting we have done for Bryce clouds the picture in my opinion.  I would say I need a full season to start forming an educated opinion and another one to see if it is validated. 

  7. I don't want to throw a pity party for Bryce Young.  If you are poised for being the number 1 pick it comes with a lot of this unfortunately.  I'm more inclined to have greater sympathy for guys like Zavala who are thrown into roles they are clearly not ready for.  I think BY is a step above but still makes mistakes so to me the verdict is still out regarding his ability.

    One thing that I do hate for BY is that we have done nothing to assist him or help him grow.  Receivers suck, play calling sucks, protection sucks and coaching sucks.  If BY has this great processor, then it takes about 0.2 seconds after each snap to realize he is fugged. 

  8. 25 minutes ago, ladypanther said:

    I have not posted here in the past 2-3 weeks except for a couple of posts in the Lounge.  Like @Mr. Scot I am about done.  Have been lurking here some and reading a few posts here and there. Mr. Scot's post prompted me to post at least 1 more time.

    He and I have communicated some so I have been aware of what he and LCF have been going through and as always wish the best for them.  As I would for anyone here.

    Just as someone said earlier I came here from the old Observer forum.  I was “recruited”  here by NanceUSMC. A great football poster from the past.  I still have a message saved from him from years ago.   Times were different.  There were so many knowledgeable football people....quite a few of them women. I learned a lot.  The nature of debate was different. I met a lot of good people.  That was also back in the day when we had the Huddle tailgate.  Each week someone sponsored the food and everyone gave donations so that we could buy hundreds of bicycles for Toys for Tots. ( @Zod    ...would love to know the total number of bikes that were donated)  We met each other and had a community. Things were different when we actually had face to face contact a few times a year.  Very few of those people remain today. As the nature and quality of the “discussion” changed a lot of the good ones left.

    I hung around.  There were still some good football posters around and there was still some good information and debate to be found.

    Now....it is just too different.  Too many personal attacks.  A good thread gets derailed by about the 3rd or 4th post.  Nothing but hate and insults.   There is nothing constructive or informative or clever about posting the pic of Tepper as a clown...have seen that one about a hundred times. ( By the way...I never wanted him but many here fell in love with the brass balls thing. They loved it because it was so badass.  To me, that smacked of an enormous ego...no respect for others, superiority and tyrannical. The bully gets his way.  I wanted the guy from SC who was a true Panther fan...that was his motivation.  Tepper wanted a trophy and to be part of another rich man's club. Well, he's in the club and the team has been a mess since).

    Anyone can bash the team, players, and coaches.  There seems to be a contest here to see who can do it the most. There is also little respect for others and way too often a lack of decency.  Example...I have stayed out of the Game thread but Sunday, I pulled it up while Chandler Zavala was down...CBS kept going to commercials, would not show anything, and the Viking fans in the stands looked horrified.  CBS was saying little/nothing...so I looked in the game thread in case there was someone who was listening to radio...or some other source who might have said more. What did I find?  There were posters concerned and there were a couple who trashed Zavala as a player.  And then there was SpecialJuan who said that Person reported  Zavala would never walk again (he should be banned for a long long time for that shitt). I immediately was sorry that I gone there. Under the circumstance I expected better and got so much worse.

    There are some good people here but they get drowned out by the others. There are attempts to have a football discussion and I admire those who try. Maybe this is all going the way that our general society is going...not sure how to explain it but here we are.  I miss what we had and wish things were different but they are not. For a while, I'll still peek in some and will check out the Lounge.

    It is a tough time to be a Panther fan but I've been a fan from the beginning and not going to change that.

    Well said.

    I come in here expecting crazy takes and the over the top posts.  Previously it was entertaining but lately it has amped up to a Tinderbox level.  Maybe it is inevitable with social media but yeah, I can see why folks would choose to avoid this place. 

    • Pie 1
  9. 1 minute ago, mrcompletely11 said:

    Reich sucks but you fire him and Young has to start all over with a new coach and new offense.  Thats not doing him any favors.  I think Tepper leans into stability instead of rash decision

    I would be very surprised at a mid season firing but one would hope that Reich loosens up things for BY.  I am not totally out on BY at this point but there are huge red flags.  Some can be cleaned up (homer hope?) but right now the coaching staff seems to be magnifying them rather than masking.

  10. 14 hours ago, kungfoodude said:

    Yeah, he has some issues that will need correction. I am not off the Bryce bandwagon yet but he was not the advertised "most ready to play" guy. That was completely false.

    I am fine with him learning this season. I am not gonna jump all over Bryce. I am going to be the first on the "Fire Reich" train, however. 

    This guy has to fuging go. I mean ASAP.

    At this point I am inclined to side with you on this and think that Frank has been a detriment to Bryce.  I think they have scripted crap for him to a point that it is hindering his ability to perform and that scripting often goes awry.   He definitely has some things to work on and there are many questions/concerns but it seems like we are watching the same game every week.  Get down to or near the red zone.  Team has momentum on the back of a good play.  There is confusion, play clock goes down to 2 seconds and burn a time out.  That seems to be a regular theme.  They pulled Bryce on 4th and 1 and let Dalton do the sneak yesterday.  Got the first down and I think the very next play he was in on there was some last second crap again where they were late getting lined up. That stuff needs to be a lot more crisp and until it is the game will not flow for him. 

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