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The Huddler

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Everything posted by The Huddler

  1. is this julius peppers and his bf suckin his toes?
  2. lol. Id say gettleman has the last laugh smitty slaving away at his age for what? 1-5? 2-4?
  3. love this, listen every week but whos brilliant idea was it to suck on jolly ranchers? im 5 mins in and i wana throw up. its like all slimmy and swishy and just fugin gross wtf lmao ok talkin bout josh provin poo to himself
  4. I really enjoyed this episode thanks zod listened to it while crushing someone in maddenI
  5. Ealy is like a girl and a BJ if she is a newb, (like Ealy) and you press that poo and she has a bad expirence, gagging and not havin a good time, that poo is ruined dude... RUINED until she works her way to bein a pro, you dont press, get your off from someone else, a "probowl vet" until she herself is a pro.. dont ruin that poo
  6. no, youre being over dramatic. maybe DG doesnt want Ealy as our #1 DE. this is peanuts for a probowl player who balls out in the right system.. with CJ out, we need help. Ealy will be fine.
  7. Anyone else hope that Lucas makes it as our TE3?
  8. Imagine playing your heart out last night... Hitting people, taking hits.. And probably having a decent showing. Got up this morning... So sore you could bareky walk to take a piss. ... Then you get cut. Thoughts and prayers to those who gave their all and didnt make it. You guys are destined to do great things somewhere else in life.
  9. He's making the damn roster folks. CAP and Wegher are the perfect (cheap, effective, hungry, talented) backs for the future. Gettleman getting the most out of his dime, will not be paying this kind of cash for older, injury prone backs. When cap space feasible, were going young and cheap. Getts has shown, just in this year, how much talent he can rake in out of a 5th round Comp and a UDFA signing!! With Getts with his mind years in advance, Weghers making the team. Talking about backs of course. I love Stew and Tolbert, but theyve had their time and their dime! Ill ask this, would you see any drop in production in the run game if we were to replace Tolbert and Stew with Ward, CAP, and Wegher? I dont, and its at an 1/8th of the price probably. Call me a retard but theres value right fugin there and that money could be used elsewhere. Boom.
  10. 4) prepare yourselves for the over reactors. Especially the ones that flail their arms in the air and say its all gone to poo. Some on here are way too emmotionally dependant and WILL take the score seriously. They will have a reactionary explosion, then come back later and try and back up why they exploded. Do not partake in reasoning with them. You cant win an argument against the stupid.
  11. People are clearly emmotionally attached to fozzy because of the playoff game. This isnt summer camp kickball. The best players on the roster make it. If Gettleman thinks Todman is better, he will make the team over Fozzy. Gettleman doesn't take sentimental bullshit into account like Hurney.
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