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Everything posted by MtnJax

  1. Any possibility of a 3-5-2? Santos/Mora and Lindsay as the wingbacks
  2. I’ve seen it theorized that players may not actually have it but could’ve been false positive tests b/c of Canada’s strictness to enter the country still and it was too close for follow up tests to happen or could be some of the players aren’t vaxxed. Canada doesn’t allow those in either
  3. Not surprising really. Was never impressed with him and don’t think he fits CL’s system
  4. I just finished watching TopBin’s stream from last night and he said someone told him he was barking up the wrong tree regarding this one, so likely not accurate
  5. Gaines really only seems to have the one move and at this point, teams have figured it out. He’s gonna dance and try and juke the defender before going to the end line for a cross. It’s so predictable at this point. Khalina does so great at stopping shots but turns into a tater when the ball is at his feet and the other team presses him. He really needs to work on quicker and better decisions. I like Bender but he needs more time and training to reign in control of his body. He’s constantly losing balance, inconsistent first touches, but he’ll be a force the longer he plays Back line seemed to have solidified a little. It’ll be interesting to see if the attack gets any better with Swiderski back
  6. I wonder how the top Euro teams would handle CONCACAF? Going to developing countries and playing some truly awful fields and conditions
  7. Random thought I just had. Since Lattanzio is Italian and he admitted his Spanish isn’t great, do we start targeting less Spanish speaking player and focus more on Euros?
  8. Just curious, in place of who? I think we’ll need to do some off-loading in the transfer since we’ve seemed to collect a surplus in some spots.
  9. Walked should get the starts from now on. I thought our attack looked more consistently threatening than it has and the defense looked a little more solid and less prone to gaffs or being out of position. Whatever Lattanzio had them working on this week seemed to translate well into the game and was something they could confidently play
  10. The more and more that comes out, I think they did right by the club in general. The bit that TopBin90 had in their article about MAR not wanting to sign a 3yr deal and then reluctantly doing so says all that needs to be said about how committed he was to building an expansion franchise
  11. Fuchs dropping some juicy nuggets in his presser today
  12. I will be curious to see what Lattanzio does formation/tactic wise to maybe change things up
  13. It was more than Swiderski. I think someone on either side is using him a the scapegoat example id say go listen/watch Willie P and Jessica on the WFNZ YouTube talk about the firing. They mentioned some observations of things they saw/heard as media close to the team https://www.90min.com/posts/miguel-angel-ramirez-reasons-behind-charlotte-fc-decision-fire-head-coach
  14. Starting to sound like it was more than just Swiderski and MAR was losing the locker room, among other things
  15. Posted this in the topic on the Panthers side, but feels more relevant here
  16. A VERY interesting way of putting. Must be more to this than they’re willing to share
  17. His 2nd was legit good. First one is on no pro should ever miss. I was pumped for him and hope it’s a launching point for him
  18. Honest opinion, Gaines kinda sucks. He’s fast and that’s it. Can’t utilize it at all
  19. I want more details on this quote. Was McShay saying this because of Rhule? Or is there other meaning here?
  20. Willis couldn’t beat garbage assed ULM last year and we’re discussing him at #6? At 6 you’re trying to draft game changers and franchise level players. Players who can lead their team to wins over bottom tier teams
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