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Cam's New Arm

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Everything posted by Cam's New Arm

  1. If he admires Kobe as much as he says he does, then work ethic is probably very well apart of his admiration. Let's hope that is so.
  2. This is not a madden conversation, per say, but when I create my draft classes, I usually make most of the first round guys high 70ovr to low to mid 80ovr with an occasional freak at 90ovr. My theory is some of these guys come out being top five at their position in the league and I think that is a fair analysis. At what point do you guys see that cliff from mid 80ovr to mid 70ovr? What are steals in the later rounds worth? Should Tom Brady have been an 80ovr from the beginning? Please keep this civil. I'm simply curious on how we actually view our rookies, relative to the og's already in the league.
  3. I'm a sociopath. Not a bigot. There's a difference.
  4. Good thread. I'm glad we really kept this on topic guys. Good job. fuging lunatics.
  5. It's it when we're on a god damn sports message board.
  6. I hate a bigot as much as the next guy but I also hate a punk calling out things without providing any context or evidence. This was an appreciation thread for someone doing something you wouldn't do and not a thread for your constant and needless bating of people. Maybe that's what's wrong with today's culture. The entire planet is filled with little kids in the back seat just constantly bitching over nothing. "mommy, he touched me, he touched me!" That's all I fuging hear from people now days. GTF over yourselves.
  7. If we're going all in, I'd rather mortgage for a younger entity. He'd be q good qb for us for a few years. But that's it.
  8. Was this him? https://youtu.be/NnkUzBlNQes
  9. "actions that caused public harm" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shill
  10. Quick, can anyone spot the shill in this post?
  11. It sounds like our deal was for less, which would have been good. Oh well.
  12. It's okay, man. Let it go. It's not his fault. It's not his fault he has been indoctrinated into thinking every shortcoming ever experienced by anyone of any non-white race has been because "white privilege". It's not his fault he plays the victim card so well. It's not his fault he's a hurt bitch.
  13. How very progressive of you.
  14. I think you won this argument
  15. I agree. Down with religion and DOWN WITH CHINA!
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