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Everything posted by Growl

  1. When I saw this I assumed McCoy was older than I thought he was. Turns out, he isn't. Lesean is only 26. Philly is stupid. Oh well. That's an NFC team getting that much worse. No sweat off my brow.
  2. I was going to comment saying how long will it take for a story about some other clown shooting up a place to turn into a story about how terrible Cam is but I see that narrative has already been written
  3. Well as long as he had his playbook with him.
  4. I was already appointed the new mod. Not sure what the confusion is about here.
  5. Marpet is a very decent Center prospect in the later rounds.
  6. He's gonna go to New England and catch 80+ balls next year.
  7. lol at anybody calling him a "solid number 4" zomg white man=bersin wah
  8. I dont understand what Miami is doing. They quietly have one of the best and deepest corps in the league and theyre on the cusp of dumping everybody but Landry. I mean I get it's a small ball offense and they don't need blue chippers out there, but those guys still have to be replaced.
  9. i dont care enough about him or his "image" for it to be tarnished. I only care about players that play for the Panthers. which Deangelo doesnt.
  10. Lol i can just see some NFL team putting this out to drive his market value down.
  11. You know it's a business when I want a massive contract that is way more than I'm worth but don't you dare cut me or I'm going to pout
  12. Had to be done. Ron's temptation to field him is too strong otherwise.
  13. The difference between this time and last is that he'd be coming strictly as a returner. You don't want to inhibit Brown or any possible high draft pick or notable free agent signee from getting reps, so his contract would have to reflect that he was exclusively a return specialist. I'm not sure he'd go for that.
  14. Draft is ripe this year with lots of late round backs that can come in and be high quality insurance.
  15. Alrighty well mark it down then, Fisher at 25.
  16. After combine week, I feel like there are a few options at OT we can hope for. Collins, Fisher, Flowers are all guys that I would be okay with there, at this point.
  17. Gee guys I'm only echoing Dave Gettleman's sentiments about using draft picks on players who can come in and make big impacts right away. It's a good thing he's not in charge of anything!
  18. Agreed. He's not going to get snaps over TD at the Sam, and the Will plays only sparingly in our defense anyways. You can find LBs all over the draft anyways and I'd rather do that than pick up one whose going to sit for a couple years and not contribute. The team has too many needs and is in a good position to address one of them at 25. Can't afford this kind of luxury pick. If he were willing to convert it might be a different story, but even then it'd still be a position he'd have to learn meaning we aren't going to see an immediate impact.
  19. Thompson said a couple weeks back that he's "a LB and a LB alone." So he doesn't have much value for us.
  20. I would rather win games than save money. If you want to have lots of cap space but pull for a loser, there's a brightly colored team in Cleveland that has lot of money, picks, and losses every year. You're more than welcome to go fly their flag Pay the superstar QB.
  21. As is the case every year, going BPA isn't some random fortune cookie sliver of ancient football wisdom that most of this board seems to think it is. It's a reference to picking the best player available *on your board* A board that is assembled through a variety a of factors-one of those factors being gasp! Need.
  22. He can say it as many times as he wants. He has yet to back it up on draft day. Not that there is any problem with that of course. He very clearly wants to be a guy who is a routine active player in FA. Once we're able to do that and our needs arent as significant come draft day then I'm sure he will be full minded of that philosophy. But it isnt something we've seen from him so far, nor should it have been.
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