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Sean Payton's Vicodin

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Everything posted by Sean Payton's Vicodin

  1. It's a pipe dream but I really wish we'd sign Maclin. He'd knock out our problems with receiver in one swing.
  2. worst case scenario for the panthers, but im happy for greg enjoy that altanta falcons money
  3. As long as he doesn't go to an NFCS team I'm cool with it. If he goes to Atlanta I'm gonna be pissed
  4. Lmao no love for bell. But I'm not convinced remmers is a long term guy either
  5. wow, the seahawks are just so LUCKY. LUCKING themselves into a second straight super bowl. /huddle
  6. proehl is decent but the huddle makes him out to be a legendary coach. anyway im mainly talking about shula, who doesn't adjust his offense to the players talents and has no clue what situational football is. thinks cam is trent dilfer and tries to push squares into circled holes
  7. man seahawks defense has so much depth. our defense puts so much pressure on luke, td, and CJ
  8. Where does it say he's out for the playoffs? Not that I have any hope we win now that our lynch stopper is out, but I'd like some confirmation
  9. Probably Cedric Ogbuhi. That one Michigan receiver/TE (name slips the mind atm) is also worth a look.
  10. Everywhere I've seen has put Tyrus Thomas as a 4-5 rounder http://www.nfldraftscout.com/ratings/dsprofile.php?pyid=113000&draftyear=2015&genpos=OT
  11. why am i looking at a giant picture of justin beiber
  12. don't worry he wasn't smoking the dreaded weed so he'll be back week one
  13. halo is a fuging awful series and the only reason it gets praise is because the OG xbox didn't have any fuging games
  14. ted ginn burning revis was a thing of beauty though
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