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Everything posted by iamhubby1

  1. And that's fine. Your opinion matters. So do the perceptions of those 20+ women.
  2. I have to wonder, of the 11 souls that voted yes. How many of those are married?
  3. Feel better? So I made a mistake. I owned up. You are the one getting all worked up. Sorry you are having a bad time.
  4. Your comfort absolutely plays into this. Are you comfortable with a serial abuser running your Offense. If so, then you are probably in the minority. And he does not have to be charged with anything. Here is still responsible for his own actions. And those actions were reprehensible to 20+ women.
  5. I already addressed this with @CBDellinger. Next time try not being so snarky. I almost didn't respond.
  6. I'm not sure I would go with that Defense. He is still responsible for his own actions. Actions that have a lot of people looking at him differently.
  7. Football tonight. I'll save it for later. lol
  8. Nothing as of yet. I thought there had been a Grand Jury Indictment. But as of now, no charges have been filed.
  9. Past players did not have the "Me Too, or Cancel Culture" to deal with. Things are different nowadays.
  10. If you are a team that can live with the PR, and backlash that would come with signing Watson. Now would seem to be the time. But the Texans are holding firm. So that may not work either.l By the time this is all said and done. The team that wants Watson, will still have that stigma surrounding him. Even if you could afford him.
  11. Right now, a lot of folks would take him in a heart beat. If he didn't cost so much, and he didn't have legal issues. But he does, and he does. IF he some how miraculously comes out of this unscathed? Then the Watson sweepstakes will be back on. But IF he takes the fall, he will be toxic for quite some time.
  12. The TRIAL is not over. He has been charged. This is a big deal.
  13. Nice defense. I bet you voted yes? Yup, you did.
  14. Sure Watson is good. But we are still rebuilding. The cost to bring him in, irregardless of his personal issues, is too great for us at this time.
  15. Pretty much how I see it. We don't need to anything about Sam, until the end of the year. If even then.
  16. Does the rest of the real world kowtow to your every whim? Don't like the topic? There is a solution, or 2 that'll fix that.
  17. So, your only objection is the compensation? Sounds about right.
  18. For the folks voting Yes. Would you be willing to walk up to your Wife/SO, Mother, Sister, Aunt, or Grandmother and say. "Sure, Watson is a serial abuser. But I want to win"? For the record. The wife was pleased I voted no.
  19. 3WR set with Terrace in one slot and Arnold in the other. Or lined up next to the tackle. Or in motion. BAM the middle of the field is covered. Edit to add; Sam really is being set up for success.
  20. OP did say this at the end. " He may not be close to his prime, but Rivers would still be a serviceable emergency option for a team that sustains a quarterback injury late in the year." So, I'm not really sure he meant for us specifically. Or even if Rivers would accept a backup role. But I will admit it sounds intriguing though.
  21. And that is one heck of a safety valve for sure. Here's my thinking. Sam loves the middle of the field. Rhule has said he likes Terrace in the slot for the matchups. So it's a natural progression to think Terrace can be Sams safety valve. Or, I could be wrong. And it winds up being CMC Anywho.
  22. You are correct. There are multiple players ahead of Terrace. So his targets won't be as plentiful. However, Sam needs a safety net. And right now, we don't know who that is. THAT WR is going to get his. Everybody else is fighting for table scraps. The two players with the biggest catch radius? Arnold, and Terrace. If I had to guess, it won't be Arnold. So...ipso facto. Marshall is the man.
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