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Everything posted by Zaximus

  1. He didn't buy this team to make money though. He doesn't need it. Most money is profit sharing anyway in the league it doesn't matter if you win or not. I feel it's more like a rich dude with expensive hobby that may just get bored lol.
  2. I remember a lot of Cam passes getting tipped too.
  3. I don't see us winning if we can't pass past 5 yards.
  4. It's more of a that's our luck post. Nice try though loser.
  5. Only this team has DEs that hurt THEMSLEVES getting a sack lol.
  6. I mean we been over it. Charlotte is a transplant city that is like half northerners. Then the fact this team hasn't won back to back ever. Also has had three coaches in a row that refuse to play 21st century football. Until this team gets some kind if winning culture it'll be like this. It's the same for a lot of expansion teams till then.
  7. Follow up the scat back run up middle with a 4 yard pass.
  8. I hate Brady. You use CMC on 3rd not bang him up the middle on first and second down.
  9. Meet the new coach same as the old coach (x2).
  10. No Sam next week it looks like. Really going to have to have PJ starting lol?
  11. PJ sucks lol. Passed when he should run. Runs when should pass.
  12. Defense almost failed there even though everyone knew where ball was going.
  13. Sweet another field goal. Will we get a td before the end of the year ?
  14. Ah offensive line had to come in and ruin it. Been a couple plays so had to make an appearance.
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