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Everything posted by OneBadCat

  1. I've got a head cold too. I think it's the flu. I'd work out but I've got that vertigo/dizziness going on and all that does is give you a massive head ache when you're stressing weight.
  2. Hell yeah I started reaching that point. I dead lifted 285 on Monday for my new max. I was freaking stoked. However anymore weight I think something was going pull bad in my back. In fact I tried to pop my back a few minutes after and I legitimately felt something move back in place. Felt amazing but scary at the same time. I won't be maxing out for a while now. The tone in my arms are really starting to pick up and my legs are getting stronger. I'm not going to lie on here I've never been able to do much on squats but Im getting a lot better, form is better. I am able to squat lower than I could before. I'm just a little pissed that I'm sick right now because I really wanted to pick up on working out again after the holidays.
  3. Went up another 10 lbs to a 255 dead lift the other day. Must have MORE. Deadlifts are becoming my favorite exercise. Are any of you guys guilty of working out to the Rocky theme song? There have been a few guys at my gym I've caught listening to it. I will openly admit I have some parts to the Dark Knight Rises sound track on my work out playlist. Whatever gets you going.
  4. I went up to 245 on my dead lift today and repped my previous max last week of 235 five times. Tonight's the first night I don't feel too sore afterwards either. Though I'm sure I'll feel it tomorrow. Im not hitting 500 like you Jase but I'm gonna try to get there. I weigh 180 too, your video was inspiring.. I'd like to be able to do 350 next year. Though I don't think I'm doing bad for someone who hasn't dead lifted much in their life at all. I was also able to convincingly bench 195 lb last week after only doing incline dumbell press for the past month or so. I maxed 210 in highschool so I'm trying blow that poo outta the water.
  5. Question for you guys. I break down my work out days like this. Monday- Deadlifts Tuesday- Upper body, Wednesday- Most likely rest. Or rest Tuesday, then Upper body Wednesday. Thursday- Squats, leg press, Friday- Upper body Every day I'm in the gym I do incline sit ups as well. I usually rest on the weekends but if I skip a day I make up for it on Saturday. My question is that I usually gauge my next dead lift or squat day by how soon my legs and back feel fresh, and if I did upper body stuff the day before. However could I start doing squats two times a week or would that end up being detrimental? I don't take supplements. I just eat a lot of lean meat and peanut butter. I mostly do 3x5 sets and increase the weight to a max I could do that day, and then continue 3-4 sets of 5 on gradually lesser weight until I can't go anymore. I've been on this routine for about 3-4 weeks now and I feel stronger and more in shape. But if I could accelerate that I'd be all for it.
  6. That's some BS. Dead lifting is one of the best overall workouts you can do.
  7. What about getting Brandon WIlliams some snaps? Where the hell is Hixon and Armanti? It seems like we only have 3 WR's and Olsen busting his ass to get down field.
  8. There's no way they're not getting away with holding on us.
  9. Refs are just trying to cheat us out of the game at this point. We don't stand a chance.
  10. The way this is going we are gonna lose on a bullsht score with under 2:00 mins left.
  11. Dear god everyone just itches at the chance to make comments like this every week. He dropped 2 passes. He's been open deep all year. Cam under throws him on a PI and it's all on Smith. Gimme a break.
  12. I think Smitty is due for a big game too. He's been open for big gains and not thrown too as well. A couple better thrown balls by Cam and he'd have a few 100 yd games. Ginn has been a total difference maker for us and we will need to resign the guy.
  13. If there was anytime to body catch a ball it was that one. TD is a TD.
  14. Did you guys see Howie Long diss us saying it's not like we're playing well? Fuggin POS can kiss my ass.
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