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  1. I’m not sure Bryce is even 5’10. However I do think the height aspect is slightly overrated in today’s game. Especially if you consider that linemen are a lot shorter when they are in their stance.
  2. Gotta celebrate while we still have it.
  3. Bryce deserves 1 more year I’ll grant that. He does have exceptional anticipation and potentially a good enough arm with the right foot mechanics. But part of me is dreading the first time he gets blasted again this season and the oh poo drops again like the Biden / Trump debate. With the right set up and weapons, yeah he might actually be a pretty effective player. But the moment the offense faces adversity and things don’t go as planned, I’m not convinced he can overcome. He has to prove he has some intangible to carry the team. He doesn’t have that physically. I’m hoping he proves to all of us he can do it though.
  4. While I believe Mingo and TMJ have the goods. I’m gonna go super saiyan homer and say Bryce Young.
  5. The downtown area is actually getting pretty nice now. The problem would be the commute. There are no good exits to Kannapolis from 85.
  6. I think we just have to see if he sinks or swims with it. We can't be in shotgun all of the time, it makes us too predictable. I am curious to see just how blinded Bryce really is though when the lineman are in their stances, I'm guess that takes them down a few inches, not to 5'9 of course.
  7. On the contrary I think the NFL is probably the worst perpetrator. SB 50 was rigged for Mannings retirement, and to show a QB like Cam isn't allowed to win and dominate the league.
  8. I mean I’m with you there. I think the stadium is fine as it is myself. I enjoy the skyline view. Just wish the beer was cheaper and the team was better lol.
  9. BOA is the best location for the stadium so I am glad for that at least. I bet it’s going to take a massive amount of work to update it to current standards though
  10. Probably not as concerning for a QB though in the modern day.
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