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Everything posted by WOW!!

  1. Noooooooooo!! He walked out the door with them begging him to stay.. You must have forgotten they offered Pep the richest defensive player deal at that time and he threw back in their faces..
  2. He could get 2 games but he won't get 6... Rodger can't fly 6 games past the NFLPA for embarrassment. .
  3. Ben was on his 3rd accusers. . At that point guilt or innocence isn't a question... He was looking like a public menace. . The league had to look like they were doing something. . This is Greg's 1st incident. . If you get a speeding ticket once you don't get the same punishment as somebody on their 3rd ticket. .
  4. Players as Bill Voth reported are doing more than being asked and giving the obligatory "we want Greg back".. They are actually going to the Big Cat about it..
  5. And unlike the 1st judge the fact that those were taking 10 hours later will be questioned. .
  6. It will be when the NFLPA files a grievance and takes the matter to court..
  7. Are you even going to acknowledge that Ben was on his 3rd rape accusers before they did anything? ? I'm sorry that one situation started to look like a "pattern" and one is a isolated 1st incident. .
  8. Not in this situation. . No admission of guilt. . No video of the action. . Evidence not good enough without the "victim" testimony. .
  9. But they have to battle the NFLPA as well.. So unless they have hard evidence they will lose..
  10. Nobody knows what the settlement was.. If they couldn't prosecute without her testimony how is the NFL going to find fault with the evidence that wasn't enough to go forward with in the case... Ben was on his 3rd accusers when they finally punished him..
  11. Will they take into account that the PIcs presented as evidence were taking 10 unaccounted for hours after the original 911 call by Hardy..and that the police at the scene of the crime saw no reason to arrest anyone at the time..
  12. Get'EM Ray... A lot people spewing opinions that aren't facts in this thread..m
  13. Not really .. but in your mind it probably does..
  14. He might get 2 games at the most but the NFLPA has a firm base to fight a suspension for Greg because he retained his innocence. .
  15. And than the whole argument that people who would like to see him back are the emotional ones is crazy.. I'm sorry guys that i want to find a way to keep a top 5 defensive pass rushers that we develop on the team.. I'm sorry that I read the testimony and followed this case from the beginning and feel like the accusers is a lair and full of crap.. It really pisses me off that real domestic violence victims get a bed at a women shelter and years of fears and damage emotionally and physically. .and not trips to Colorado skiing and shopping sprees in NY..
  16. Billy is reporting these players are actually going to Jerry and voicing their opinions to him.. Billy is saying they are telling Jerry they want him back.. this isn't just they are being asked about Greg..
  17. So you know for sure he wasn't working and talking to teammates away from the building. .
  18. How do you know he wasn't. . And now we're seeing that he did have contact with his coaches and other players ...because they are fighting for him to return. . Guys like TD Olsen Kali and CJ are putting their necks out for him...
  19. Billy was the biggest one saying this won't happen...and now more and more Billy is having to admit more and more that it's a possibility. .
  20. A testimony that change 3x during the duration of the case...
  21. When looking at the testimony and transcripts they will notice how her story change 3x and how police on the scene of the crime didn't see enough to make a arrests.
  22. While the NFL is looking at Pics of Holder will they take into account those pics weren't taking at the scene but 10 hours later after trying to call Greg 20x and than deciding to report him...
  23. Ben was also on his 3rd rape accusers.. People tend to forget 2 other poor victims that Ben didn't get punished for...
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