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Status Updates posted by LifeisaGarden

  1. :lol: That's pretty funny! At least you had a date though. I'm glad he was a nice guy. Did you have a good time?
  2. Awesome! I'm jealous though, I want to listen too. I need satellite radio.

  3. Aww, ain't he cute!

  4. Basically it is a chocolate, chocolate chip cookie with white chocolate chips and milk chocolate chips in it. Even people that hate cookies, love these cookies. I made this recipe in a hurry because I needed some chocolate cookies, I never expected it to be so good.

  5. Because I haven't heard from you in WEEKS!!! !!!! Did you fall off the planet or something?

  6. Dang, April was the last time I said Hi to you. :( I hope you've been well. :D

  7. Dang, that sounds like something I'd really enjoy listening to. :D

  8. Don't forget about Labyrinth! lol That movie scared the hell out of me.

  9. Fix your siggy. It says you've exceeded photobucket's bandwidth. :)

  10. Glad I could be of service.

  11. Goodness, I'm so sorry to hear that. I cant imagine how it must feel to work so hard only to have it ruined. We finally did a garden this year, not the biggest at 20x40 ft but it's a start. We planted tomatoes, okra, cukes, different types of bell & hot peppers. The only thing that did well was the okra & peppers. I think the soil needs more nutrients & organic matter, will do better next year. I'm going to have the soil tested, which is something we haven't done in about 5 years, it's been since we moved here.

  12. Happy Belated Birthday! No wonder I think you're a good guy... You are an Aquarius, like Dan. :) I hope it was a great birthday!

  13. Happy Birthday! I hope it's a good one. :)

  14. Happy Birthday! Make it a good one. :)

  15. Happy Birthday!! I hope you have a good one. :)

  16. Happy New Year to you as well. I hope you have a good one!

  17. Hey babe. I hope you had a great time on your vacation!

  18. Hey there! How ya doing?

  19. Hey there! I didn't realize you were a lady. :) It's nice to have you on board! We need more estrogen around here if you haven't noticed. :lol: I looked at your album, you have a beautiful family. :)

  20. Hey, you don't have any friends!! Looks like you could use one. :)

  21. HEY! THere is the fella that gave me his nuts!!!! He was a nice guy. Tell him I said Howdy. :)

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