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About pantherclaw

  • Birthday 03/19/1975


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  1. You do it to well. Wouldn't want to put you out of work. Chubba feels terrible about it. It doesn't even get rated at all ass any worse play in the history of the Panthers.
  2. I just don't care. The game NEVER should have came down to the overtime period. You focus on what you want. It means nothing.
  3. While it is great to see the team improve, I don't waste time with the national media.
  4. Seems to me the defender is playing the wrong sport. Dumbass.
  5. Not expecting a whole lot playing the Eagles.
  6. I get that. For most, he couldn't ever have a deep game, according to the huddle. He is proving otherwise.
  7. In week 12 Leaving this here... https://t2news.cafex.biz/blog/pff-names-panthers-qb-bryce-young-the-best-deep-passer-in-the-nfl-in-week-12-tchieu?fbclid=IwY2xjawG7WwtleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHU3NUZVKNZrhOeUwLORblu7DluITBiz-BJ469p9LJDVAh1hWNSZkHf_PQA_aem_4RAs3bgmVEL_Znu5kyDXQg#m47wl6pv233y5ydsrcm Am interested tonsee constructive thoughts.
  8. Yet it wasn't the ground game that beat us. I hate the poor defense of the rush too, although that is not what lost this game.
  9. Interesting that people are calling for our DC'S head, when we never would have been in the game if it wasn't for the defense. Never should have gotten to OT.
  10. Less line disruption that way when he needs to be inserted into the lineup.
  11. I was just being a smart ass, sir. Sorry.
  12. All off season, I knew the defense would be the biggest issue. It's not because of the except coaching. I prefer we keep him.
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