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Everything posted by WelshPanther

  1. Can’t there be an agreement in place that only the player and team know about? Got no skin in this game but it’s not a fact because Gold says it is
  2. I really have missed a lot. Thanks for update. Giving up social media has a downside lol
  3. Well I’ve missed a day of it! Glad to see us making moves although I really wanted a new goalie. Let’s see who we pick up for scoring, fill that gap and we are golden. Svech won’t be firing on all cylinders until post Christmas and maybe we keep Max on Injury list until playoffs and play the cap game like others. I miss my hockey!
  4. Are there any expectations we may trade tonight? Read an article in the Athletic along those lines…..but it’s quiet season for journalists
  5. I need one of those Florida towels to wipe my ass with. fug them
  6. Bob concussed or just crying? He’s about to be a Meme based on that shot of him on bench
  7. Just popping in to say fug Florida. Enjoying this more than I thought. And I dislike anything associated with Vegas.
  8. In football I never want the NFC team to win it unless it’s us obviously.
  9. Yeah I would definitely would have rooted for them. Not sure I can even watch it. Yes I’m still not over it.
  10. fug both of them. Twice. But especially Florida.
  11. Based on the season statistics there is more chance of us winning 2 straight games than losing a 4th in a row* *not actually based on statistics Believe.
  12. Definitely need to change a few things up and need some injury luck. I love the regular season, games every few days of a team I love.
  13. We’ve lost 11 straight in the ECF. Yes I want to win one. Who knows what it leads to in the future. fug me this place has got bad the last few weeks
  14. Night folks. Hope all this energy returns for the regular season in this forum
  15. Just want to win one. That hard to understand?
  16. I’m actually taking this better than I thought. After game one this was the obvious outcome. Plus Bob is just lights out. Sucks but nothing has gone for us at all.
  17. Oh well. Sleep will get easier soon. Really don’t want to get swept though
  18. I’m going to listen on the radio in bed to try and change our luck
  19. Or being able to take your chances. Same thing a different way i suppose
  20. Hope we get through this and the 2nd down one. Rod needs to warn his keep then
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