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electro's horse

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Everything posted by electro's horse

  1. it literally does not muddy the waters at all, as evidenced by THIS YEAR 2022 3rd round pick Matt Coral not being thought about at all as they traded the world for their magical midget
  2. wait what his work as a WR coach "caused" russell wilson to win a super bowl? Was that WR coach in the QB room? of course not stop being stupid. There are two people that think of that Seahawks team and think of Russell Wilson: you and Wilson. I'm not sure what Tyler locket contributed to that team since he was still at kansas. You're probably trying to say Ricardo lockett, but you're starting from a conclusion and working backwards and don't know what you're talking about on top of that so you get embarrassing stupid poo like this. David Moore was not even in college yet, to say nothing of being on the Seahawks roster. Don't respond. Just log off
  3. the mcnairs are creating a christian team that at one point had a bible camp counselor overseeing the entire franchise, but they've struck gold with their weirdo qb so it's hard to say
  4. okay you were able to isolate one specific thing about his season that he was better at than ever before. I'm sure it has nothing else to do with having two great jump ball receivers but hey, good on Canales. Overall (the better way to judge a player's year) his production was comparable to 2018 and 2020. Maybe the Panthers should be hiring Freddie Kitchens instead!
  5. okay but that demonstrates a weakness in the way you perceive things and isn't something to be proud of. Optimism, even if you couch it as "cautious," in the face of overwhelming observable evidence and conjecture, could be called delusional in the appropriate clinical setting.
  6. What the hell is innovative about him? Do you people just make up what you want to be true?
  7. Baker had similar stats to what he did as he did in 2018 and 2020. How is that a miracle
  8. Multiple people getting a chance to explain why it’s the other guys fault.
  9. Not even the longest head coaching contract tepper has handed out.
  10. Still leaves room for a cap guy to be a third direct reporter. to say nothing about tabor knifing everyone he can via text. love it. LOVE IT
  11. Oh for sure. im just saying if canales sold himself by convincing tepper he could run the same offense….well fuging good for him. Get paid man. It’s not like this team is ever going to be competitive again.
  12. Another thing about this hire that I hate is the entire panthers organization is rotten to the core. This isn’t like Pittsburgh signing tomlin; they had a good structure in place for him to build with/grow/help support etc, to say nothing about the players on offense. the panthers hired a guy without a ton of connections. Assuming we hold on top evero, his offense is going to be all Seahawks and bucs people. We already know who the OC is going to be. This is to say nothing about the front office. I dunno man I think this is bad. He better be the fuging nfl version of Steve Kerr of personality and vibes
  13. I’m working on a thread about this in my head but I don’t think Bryce can even run canales offense. Bryce struggled to run play action out of center because a.) his footwork is terrible and b.) he doesn’t turn his back from the line because he can’t reorient fast enough. He’s so short that when he turns back around he has to find his windows again. That’s why when the panthers did run PA from center they were roll outs. That let Bryce get out of the pocket and buy time to reread the defense. also his footwork is so bad he can’t turn and get set with any power. He has to sell that, with timing, and immediately pop up and know where his receivers are. Also, he struggles at second level throws over receivers because he can’t see them over defenders. The whole point of PA is opening up the second lvl by pulling in linebackers. and Bryce doesn’t sell his play action at all. We all watched him kinda walk backwards and twitch towards the rb while keeping his eye down field. His pa looks like he’s going ab twists with a medicine ball. And running a PA game from the spread doesn’t work the same because you don’t have that pause where the linebackers have to wait and see what you’re doing. This guys wr time to get into their routes. That doesn’t exist when you just kinda fake a handoff from the gun while never looking away from your wr. this is gonna be a disaster.
  14. very good o line coach. you just do not want him working as an offensive coordinator, head coach, or assistant coach that he doesn't like since he broke the jaw of one once
  15. i literally gasped also Belichick is already retired, he just doesn't know it.
  16. McVay was coming from one of the best offensive staffs ever assembled and is an idiot football savant. In Canales one year of being an OC, his unit was the definition of mid.
  17. The bucs were 20th in ppg last season. Guess what the Panthers were in 2022.
  18. Hey david. I know you read this forum. at least you have one of your clapping seals check it out and report back to you to get the "pulse of the fans" or whatever meaningless corporate catchphrase you use to describe the people that loathe you. Congrats on another coaching hire! I know nothing gets you going like making a head coaching change. You done it, what now, six or seven times since buying the team? I lose track. Enjoy this moment; it's your super bowl, and definitely the closest you'll ever get to it. I bet you're planning on going out into your feudal demanse and exercising your right to prima nocte on the first unsuspecting peasant you find, or whatever it is rich perverts like you do for fun. Just a couple questions about the hire. Are you going to make him keep Chris Tabor? Everyone knows he's your inside guy and was knifing people behind the scenes. In fact he's likely done it to two coaches, since the end of the Rhule era was akin to the last days in Hitler's bunker. You've been accused of hiring yes men... are you going to make the new head coach keep your little Rasputin? Surely Canales knows about this and asked about. Won't send the best message to the targets for your vodka sodas if you keep Tabor around. The Panthers are the only team that requested to interview Canales. Is this because no one else thought he was ready for a head coaching interview? Are we supposed to believe that you are smarter than the rest of the league? I know you really want everyone to think that, and you moved a bunch of zeros and ones around a spreadsheet in a way that made you lots of other numbers in a bank account, and a lot of people equate this to intelligence. Is anyone supposed to trust you right now? Canales' offense last year was 20th in points and 23rd in yards last season. That's with Mike Evans and Chris Godwin, who the Panthers don't have and won't be able to draft after the Bryce fiasco. Is this what a hot hire looks like? A guy who produced a bottom/average offense? The panthers were 20th in the league in ppg in 2022 and you decided not to bring that coach back. Also you traded away both of the best players from that offense to get a QB that put up the second worst rookie qb season in modern league history. Speaking of QBs, I'm sure you are impressed by his work with Baker Mayfield. Lots of people talk about Baker's reclamation, but his stats this year were similar to what they were in 2018 and 2020. Baker has bad years when he's hurt (2021) or when he's on a dumpster fire team like the Browns in 2019 and....your panthers in 2022. Is it a successful reclamation project or a successful hostage extraction. Guess we'll find out! but luckily for Panthers fans, if all goes as well, we'll have a slightly above mediocre offense to cheer for in 2024. Huzzah! But let's talk about that offense. Baker Mayfield was 8th in the league in play action passes in 2023, and Bryce was 18th. I don't pay for the fancy stats that break down how they did per pass, but I do know Baker played under center, and Bryce...well Bryce was not as much. I also know from tons of film breakdowns that are easy to find on youtube that Bryce struggles with PA from center because he's not able to turn his head away from the line to sell it. He has to peak the entire time because he's too small and will lose the receivers in their routes. Did he address this at all? Did you ask? Bucs offense has a TON of weapons. Without pointing fingers, the panthers...don't. In the past you've said Bryce doesn't need wide receivers because he's a point guard. Do you still believe that? Are we going chase some free agents to Carolina? Tee Higgens is probably going to Tennessee to work with a coach that wanted nothing to do with you. Are you going to command under penalty of being fired Dan Morgan to break the bank on Mike Evans, a guy who's played 10 years in the league and is on the wrong side of thirty? A player that Panthers fans all rightly hate? How many years did you promise this guy? Panthers need several drafts worth of good players, and by the time you cold realistically get that team in place, Bryce will be in his...what? Third, fourth year? Staring down an extension? So the Panthers never really get to benefit from the biggest advantage of a rookie qb: cost control. Are you going to fire this guy when Bryce is still making you look like an idiot? A dramatically improved Bryce is probably not even league average. Will Bryce be entering the end of his rookie deal with ANOTHER new head coach...if he even survives. Oh yeah, protecting Bryce. Bryce was second in the league in sacks last year. Baker, with Canales as OC, with better players at basically every position, was...8th. Am I supposed to believe that a QB smaller than your wife is going to survive long enough to get a San Fran caliber team around him to overcome his deficiencies? Any congrats to canales. He's getting life changing, fug you money for a contract he'll likely never see the end of. But don't worry about that DAvid. It just means you get to do your favorite thing; hire coaches to try to prove you're smarter than the rest of the NFL. Dave Canales - young, little experience offensive coordinator to head coach Thomas Brown - young, little experience RB coach to offensive coordinator Joe Brady - young, college offensive coordinator to offensive coordinator This time David, it'll work. You'll show all those other idiot owners who the real genius is, and they'll all tell you how cool and neat and respected you are via emails you can read at wherever rich sickos go now that Epstein's island is off line. Just some thoughts about questions you could answer next time you deign to speak to us mere mortals.
  19. His unit wasn’t even good. they were bottom end of average.
  20. Panthers were the only team to interview him are you willing to believe tepper is smarter than the rest of the league?
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