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Everything posted by MillionDollarCam

  1. Yep, he’ll be in Chicago. Noesen’s contract actually pays him more at the NHL level than Dzingel’s does which is kind of telling. Nonetheless, Dzingel will provide good leadership and skill for a Chicago team that lost both Leivo (Blues) and Poturalski (Kraken) and is more than likely going to lose Drury (Canes) and potentially Noesen (Canes). Anywho, welcome back Dzingelberry.
  2. Sad day for the Wolves… Wars has accepted a job with San Jose to become their AC. Have to think that Patty Dwyer is in the drivers seat to become the next head coach of the Wolves.
  3. Damn right, now it’s all about how good of a TikTok game these guys have now.
  4. That’s right… Sam had the one to Robbie and then Cam had a nice one I believe against Washington?
  5. If it was important enough for Kobe to be the first one at practice then that’s good enough for me.
  6. Maybe to the other team, I wasn’t counting pick 6’s.
  7. Can’t remember the last time I’ve seen a Panthers QB throw a ball 20 yards down the field for a touchdown.
  8. , our fanbase needs to quit believing everything that comes out of Rhule’s mouth, he’s not the fugging Pope.
  9. Lol… Spencer Brown better make the fugging practice squad after today’s thread.
  10. That’s been Sam’s M.O. his whole career. It’s Clausenesque the way he dinks and dunks the ball around. It’s what also could end CMC for good.
  11. I’d give them Tecklenburg for free as long as they promise to start him against us.
  12. Looks like the official Twitter feed announced it a bit ago and the intent looks to be to keep him. Hopefully he plays like he did in Edmonton. Now… what to do with Necas and Gardiner.
  13. Those are all good things to do but as someone who is in a locker room every day and has been in a locker room at the college level… that’s not the case. It’s probably different in the pro’s but in college and definitely HS, we want the kids out ASAP. Pro’s is probably a little bit different but at the end of the day the earlier you get out and are ready to go the earlier we can get started. Especially if we are starting with positional drills.
  14. All that stuff is fine, it shows initiative, just like coming out early and getting prepared does. All of it is noticed… you realize that there are coaches in the locker room right? They’d notice a player doing those same things you pointed out.
  15. Literally just responded to this… to the other fella. Showing up to practice early is the equivalent to showing up to work early… not showing up to a meeting.
  16. So what do you want Brown to do, go back in a tie his shoes again? There’s a difference between being a coach of a football team and leading a desk crew. I’d rather my guys be early and getting stretched out then wasting time bumping music in the locker room if they are ready to go. Enjoy your afternoon.
  17. Yeah, kind of a disservice to keep PJ at this point. Give him a chance with another team to be QB3. At this point he’s looking at being a practice squad player.
  18. You’ve been told many times that showing up early is just one of many things a player can do to show initiative but for some reason you are only focusing on being early. Once again, no one said that’s the end all be all and player A is making the roster over player B because player A showed up earlier. I’ve outlined it for you multiple times that if I can come up with more things that a player does to show leadership, initiative, and overall good energy then that player has a better chance of making the roster than his competition who doesn’t do those things. There’s a whole list of items that I’m taking into consideration, being early is just one of the 100. If you can’t understand the premise then we don’t need to have a conversation because frankly it’s a waste of both of our times.
  19. It’s over your head… all you can see is that player arriving early, you haven’t the slightest clue about what else he is doing to set himself apart but at the end of the day if I can point to more things that he does that shows initiative then he’s set himself up better than his competition who is on equal grounds but shows no initiative whatsoever.
  20. You’re acting like this formula is used for every player… if Spencer Brown and John Lovett are neck and neck for a spot and the coaching staff is split then it’s probably more beneficial to Brown that he’s out early every day, high energy, and getting warmed up before his competition. You are acting like we’d keep Uncle Rico over Corral because Uncle Rico showed up earlier. That’s not case at all and I’ve said multiple times that if all other things are considered equal. It’s not my fault you are having issues understanding the premise. At the end of the day Brown is only going to help himself by being early. What is silly is telling Brown and Lovett to go run the 40 to decide who makes the team.
  21. I’ve been in the meeting rooms when stuff like this happens so we’ll just have to agree to disagree. Like I said no one is going to say that player A made it over player B because player A was out early. But I’ve heard more times than I can count… Well, with player A he’s always out early and ready to go and we never have to question his energy… take it for what it’s worth but I’ve seen it benefit players to be the first player out more than I’ve seen it hurt them.
  22. Baker’s camp seems to be going much like his career… he giveth and taketh away.
  23. It has nothing to do with who is faster. It’s not like these guys have an extra job or have to drive to practice or have any excuse for not being early. They are a few steps away from the field and if one guy wants to show initiative and come out early then he’ll definitely get a look over someone who shows up late assuming that they are in direct competition and all other things are considered equal. It’s not like we are cutting D.J. Moore for some community college receiver because Moore showed up later… but for a player like Spencer Brown it could mean everything because he’s fighting for a practice squad spot. In the long run it’s better to do things that people will remember then to blend in the background.
  24. I mean I coach at the HS level and I’ve interned under one of the coaches currently on our coaching staff… while your quote has never been said when determining cuts, the word initiative has been said countless times when determining cuts. I’d rather keep the player that shows up early and runs off the field than the player who shows up late and walks off the field if all other things are considered equal.
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