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Everything posted by MillionDollarCam

  1. You, every time someone says the words Tar Heels, do you have your account set to notify you anytime UNC is mentioned on this forum? It’s borderline obsessive.
  2. I know someone made a joke about Maye transferring to State but I wonder if Criswell would transfer to Moo U, they did offer him out of HS.
  3. I figured there would be some stuff out there like that.
  4. I mean that girl make money off of posting photos of herself in her bra and underwear but she can’t legally drink… makes sense.
  5. To me, young is 25, not 18, 19, or 20. I still think of that age as a child and it is odd to me that a girl that age would risk the backlash as well as the stigma that comes with making money off her body. I imagine she endured some shaming from other gymnasts.
  6. Valid point, I think you kind of hit it on the head for me, it’s very odd to see it funneled through college athletics. It’s also interesting to see who partakes in it and who doesn’t. I imagine the US gymnast from Auburn (Suni Lee I think is her name) could easily pull the numbers that this girl is but she (Lee) is obviously not going that route.
  7. True, but it’s still an odd way to make money, for a college girl. Some of the pictures she puts out are pretty racy. I’d compare it to Maye getting paid to model underwear for money.
  8. True, Freeze left Liberty in pretty decent shape.
  9. I’m not entirely sure how her parents are okay with the way she’s making money. It’s the like college athletics version of OnlyFans.
  10. NIL is a huge issue, there’s a thread on IC that has quotes from Mack on the situation. He said we have a starter that has been contacted by 15 different teams and has received an offer of one million dollars, that’s life changing for a college kid, hell, that’s life changing for an adult. For what it’s worth, Mack stated that the player in question told him that he will not be leaving.
  11. They do but Carolina also has their academic reputation and funnels money into their academics. Schools like Bama and Ohio State could give two shits about the actual academics. It’s all about making money through athletics.
  12. Carolina’s NIL profile doesn’t compete with the top teams in the SEC or Big Ten. Mack stated a few days ago that we’ve missed out on about five high end recruits that would have come to Carolina if NIL wasn’t a thing. Mack also stated that he does expect some transfers. All this to say, Carolina and Clemson should leave the ACC for the SEC. The offer is on the table and both can jump at any time. The only thing holding Carolina up is that they don’t want to leave Duke behind. However, at some point, UNC needs to do what’s best for themselves.
  13. Maye could transfer but Mack seemed pretty confident that he won’t when asked about the situation. I just hope we are able to keep the young kids like Andre Greene and Zach Rice.
  14. One thing I’m very thankful for is Mack Brown redeveloping the relationships with all of the HS coaches in NC that Fedora pissed off.
  15. In other news, how are Coastal fans doing this morning? You got your poo kicked in last night then lost your coach to your old Big South rival. Guy didn’t even leave for a P5 job… he left for Liberty, a G5 team, out of CUSA… LMAO
  16. Carolina is going to run into a lot of issues here. The Tar Heels have recruiters, not coaches, and with NIL taking over college football, the recruits that Carolina was getting will no longer be options. Now we’ll be looking at Mack Brown and co. trying to coach up three star recruits instead of four and five stars. There’s going to be a mass exodus from Carolina (player wise) and I don’t see it ending well for Mack Brown. Side note: Longo is the worst OC in the red zone that I’ve ever seen. Carolina had the ball inside Clemson’s 30 yard line five times and came away with three points and a pick six. If Carolina scores three TD’s (taking away the pick six) and a FG then it’s a 31-31 game with one additional possession to win the game with. Fugging embarrassing.
  17. One thing I really liked about last night was that we scored 3 goals off the rush, showing that much needed offensive versatility. We can’t just be a dump and chase team. Also, I love Kochetkov’s confidence and swagger. He’s the unquestionable #1 right now.
  18. Kochetkov’s ability to make unconventional saves is mind boggling.
  19. Just got back from watching UNC get destroyed, I’m glad I have the Canes.
  20. Obviously this comment was in gest but Maye was quoted as saying that the only reason people go to State is because they can’t get into Carolina… don’t think there’s any love there from either side.
  21. Longo needs to get his head out of his ass, it’s not a hat.
  22. Did the refs get the memo that neither team is making the playoffs, no need to screw one of the teams.
  23. Beautiful night for some football, Go Heels!
  24. Think it has more to do with there being more options for athletics in the States. Little kids in Brazil don’t go up with the option of playing football, baseball, or even hockey. It’s soccer or basketball… America has more options and kids grow up with football or basketball being on the tv.
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